These are other uses given to gold, incense and myrrh, the gifts of the Magi

De acuerdo con la religión católica, Melchor, Gaspar y Baltazar le llevaron tres regalos al niño Dios cuando nació. Estos eran: oro, incienso y mirra. Éstos, además de ser importantes para la tradición, tienen diferentes usos tanto en el campo de la medicina y la electrónica.Estos son otros usos que se le da al oro, el incienso y la mirra, los regalos de los Reyes Magos Estos son otros usos que se le da al oro, el incienso y la mirra, los regalos de los Reyes Magos

These are the different uses that can be given to the gifts that the Magi gave to the child God.


As an inert metal, gold does not have medicinal properties by itself, but in medicine its isotopes are used to load tumors before radiotherapies.This in order to absorb X -rays and make the treatment more effective, the BBC reported.

In addition in the nineteenth century, gold was considered an agent who helped to calm the nerves and treat various conditions, from alcoholism to epilepsy, the magazine very interesting reported.

In fact, in the medieval era, gold consumption was promoted to relieve depressive symptoms and migraines;According to merchants of the time, this metal improved concentration and alert state.

Another use for gold in addition to jewelry is electronics.This due to its corrosion resistance, its ability to deform without breaking, its low electrical resistance and its high thermal conductivity.For example, gold threads are widely used in the semiconductor industry.

Gold threads were also used in surgical procedures.

Estos son otros usos que se le da al oro, el incienso y la mirra, los regalos de los Reyes Magos

«During an excavation in Greece, they discovered the skull of a Greek soldier.The soldier had been previously injured in a battle and had used gold thread to tie his jaw, ”Gillibrand, a professor of medical history at the University of Aberystwyth for BBC for the BBC.

He added that the father of modern medicine, Hippocrates, prescribed gold for use in dentistry.This material is also currently used to make surgical instruments.


The incense that the Magi gave to the child God is called Somali Old.This occurs with the dry resin of trees of the genus Boswellia and according to very interesting it has been marketed in the Arabian peninsula for about 6,000 years.

The Somali Opile.He added that it can even be used "to mitigate the metastasis of in vitro cancer cells".This means that it has the ability to stop the propagation of cancer.

In addition, this compound also has anti -inflammatory properties.

On the other hand, in China and Japan it is used in the rituals of worship to their deities, because there is a belief that smoke can lead to the sentences to heaven.


The mugger is also a compound derived from trees.It occurs from the sap of species belonging to the genus Comiphora for millennia.It is used above all in perfumes, incense and religious ceremonies.

As with the Somali Opile.

«Might is a bit more interesting: it is never used alone, it is always combined with other things.It mixes with other herbs such as a syrup and prescribed to help with asthma, ”Gillbrand explained in the BBC article.

He said that he also mixed with juniper and rum berries as a treatment for parasites in the youth of Victoriana.

Ali discovered in his laboratory that myrrh can be used to stop inflammation or swelling, so it can be beneficial to treat arthritis;It could also have benefits against cancer.

In fact, the scientist said that a myrrh extract could kill cancer cells without damaging the healthy.This in combination with an incense extract could prevent cancer spreading.

At the British University School, he tries to develop medicines to face a variety of problems, from cancer to wrinkles, Imer reported.

"The pharmacological effects of the combination seem magically powerful, such as synergistic anti -inflammatories, synergistic anticancer, synergistic analgesics, synergistic antibacterials, synergistic blood activation, etc.".

Currently, myrrh is used in many mouthwashes and dental pastes.

Now read: this is the origin and meaning of the thread of kings and its elements

Also read: what you should know about the stars of the Magi - from their mythological origin until why we attribute them to Melchor, Gaspar and Baltazar

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