Singular Franchises

Singularu es un concepto novedoso y diferencial en el sector de la joyería con un servicio preventa muy cercano y un servicio postventa de calidad.The idea is to create an unmatched experience for the client, with a close and personalized treatment.

Thanks to our Fast Fashion model, our clients know that in Singularu they will always find the last trend in jewel.To achieve this we use a product strategy with a very short catalog with a very high rotation speed than any other market competitor.

Singularu se distingue por ser un lugar agradable, diferente y con una imagen en la que se que cuida cada detalle.A magical place where you can enjoy a warm, clean and pleasant decoration.

But the experience does not end here, we look for the client to continue enjoying our brand outside the store, making them part of our brand image.Customers can send us their photos and shopping experiences through social networks and thus be able to make a very positive digital marketing.

Franquicias Singularu

Es una empresa joven compuesta por grandes profesionales con ilusión por convertir a Singularu en la marca líder del sector, para ello cuentan con departamentos propios de marketing, atención al cliente, desarrollo, diseño, etc.

The commercial offer is varied and with a great quality/price ratio.Let's constantly innovate new collections to get to the entire target target.

En Singularu ponemos a disposición de nuestros clientes una amplia variedad de joyas que satisfacen los gustos de las más exigentes. En Singularu todo gira alrededor de nuestros clientes, nuestro objetivo es sobrepasar las expectativas de quienes nos visitan, proporcionando un experiencia de compra que propiciará que los clientes se fidelicen desde la primera compra.

All products that sell our franchises are the result of a sophisticated process of data analysis and trends, and their sales success have been proven through the online store.

En Singularu queremos ser la tienda de referencia en el sector de la joyería, para ello hemos desarrollado un modelo de negocio muy atractivo y rentable, para todo aquel que vea en nosotros una alternativa de negocio.

Our offer has been studied thoroughly in order to cover the different needs of the client, as well as being able to be present at any type of location.The idea is to create an offer adaptable to any province of Spain.

Singularu was last modified:febrero 12th, 2019 by mundoFranquicia