Tips for taking care of your eyelashes

Las pestañas son una parte fundamental de nuestra mirada
Foto: Agencia Europa Press

Las pestañas son una parte esencial de nuestra mirada y, además de destacar nuestros ojos, también tienen su parte funcional, ya que los protegen de impurezas externas y filtran la luz del sol. Independientemente de la estética y de realzarlas con el imprescindible rímmel es importante cuidarlas a diario.

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Follow the advice we offer from the hand of the expert in Dermopharmacy Rocío Escalante and boasts of beautiful and, especially healthy eyelashes, this summer.

Always remove eyes with specific products

If you use mascara or any other makeup product in the eyes, it is essential to always remove before bedtime.You have to choose a specific eye offset for the eyes (your formulas are developed to be soft and not attack it) and with the help of a disc or cotton clean them softly, without scrubbing the eye so as not to damage the eyelashes.It is better to leave it for a few seconds so that the makeup softens and then with a slight massage to eliminate all the remains.

Nourish and hydrate the eyelashes

More hydrated and nourished eyelashes will be stronger and healthier and will have a better appearance.There are specific serums for eyelashes that apply every night and even get the effect of lengthening and giving them thickness, favoring their growth.You have to be constant, choose good products and be patient, since the results are visible after weeks of treatment.

Choose a good makeup

Consejos para cuidar tus pestañas

When making the eyelashes choose quality cosmetics.Avoid using expired products (remember that all beauty and cosmetic products expire) and do not abuse water -resistant masks (which may be more complicated to getting offset).

Do not abuse the eyelash curling

The eyelashes is a good tool to curve the eyelashes, but you have to use it correctly and without abusing.Check that it is in good condition, do not squeeze excessively (because they will weaken) and do not use it daily.

Protégellas del Sol

UV rays could dry the eyelashes and make them more brittle.You have to avoid the long exposures to the sun and wear sunglasses to protect both the eyelashes and all the eye.

Take care of food

The eyelashes, like the rest of the organism, benefit from a balanced and varied diet where fruits and vegetables abound, source of vitamins and antioxidants, and other foods such as blue fish, extra virgin olive oil, legumes,lean meats or eggs.It limits the intake of sugars and ultraprocessed.

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Controlling stress

Stress is a factor that can trigger hair drop and can also affect the eyelashes.So avoid, as far as possible, stress, fighting it with techniques such as meditation or yoga, and leading a healthy lifestyle, where exercise and contact with nature are not lacking.