Why dry brush the body? Yes, Gwyneth Paltrow loves him.

The beginning of the year is always full of good resolutions, unfulfilled diets and paid gyms. That is what happens to ordinary mortals, but there are some privileged ones who, thanks to their lifestyle, can maintain those decisions they made with grapes over time.

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One of them is Gwyneth Paltrow. Everyone knows her ability to join any healthy habit and to sign up for any sports routine that is born. The last thing that she has told us on her social networks is dry brushing, a practice that she has been doing for years and of which she tells us the benefits of it in a video of her on her Instagram wall.

If you had wondered what was the secret of the wonderful body skin of her at 49 years of the actress, here it is. It only consists of dedicating a couple of minutes to it every morning, before the shower. What does she get with this method? It stimulates the lymphatic system, helps eliminate toxins from the body, reduces swelling and fluid retention. It's also a great technique for gently exfoliating your skin and helps you start off with more energy each morning. Eva Villar, stylist and owner of the homonymous salon, reminds us of other benefits:

- "Removes dead skin, improves appearance, cleanses clogged pores and allows the skin to 'breathe'.- Facilitates circulation and blood flow.- Facilitates cellulite reduction, improving the appearance of treated areas.- Relieves tension and stress, since the act of brushing the skin reduces muscle tension and calms the mind.- Improves digestion and kidney function, thanks to the anti-inflammatory effect on the lymphatic system, eliminating excess water and toxins.- It is invigorating.- For me, it is a key step in treatments aimed at improving cellulite", concludes the expert.

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All you have to do is buy a brush and brush upwards towards the heart, just like Gwyneth does in the video. You should also include the legs from the feet to the knees, a few short strokes behind the knees, where there is a density of lymph, then up the thighs to the hips and over the buttocks. On the arms, start at the hands and brush up to the elbows, then work your way up the upper arms to the shoulders. Glo910 experts help us define the movements: "How often you brush is up to you. Some people like to do it every day, while for others 2 or 3 times a week is enough. To brush you must do it up towards your heart as this will help with circulation and stimulate the lymphatic system A good way to start is to work your way up from your ankles, up through your legs, arms, chest, back and stomach. long strokes on most areas and clockwise strokes on your stomach and chest."

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This massage, known internationally as 'dry brushing', is one of those techniques that is one of the favorites of celebrities and essential for those who opt for the most natural body care tools. Its appearance, according to experts, dates back to Hindu Ayurveda, although some associate it with Latin American tribes. Very similar to the practice with granulated exfoliants, it is more beneficial for the skin because it eliminates dead cells naturally without altering the acid mantle of the skin that protects it against bacteria and infections.

Which to choose?

If you are going to start in these fights, the best is one with a handle, and make sure that the bristles are the same size to treat the skin as uniformly as possible so as not to cause irritation in the tissue. One of the keys to achieving benefits is perseverance, do it every day. Its action continues to have a strong impact on the skin, so it is essential to hydrate and nourish the skin after showering. Brush exfoliation is not for everyone, for example for sensitive skin or those with dermatitis, psoriasis or redness problems.

Uraqt body brush with natural bristles on Amazon (€7.99)
