The reason you should always wash your belly but the reason you should always wash your belly button

By caring for our own personal hygiene, we may focus on the most visible parts of the body, and it is easy for us to forget our belly.While it is a small part of the body, like the rest, they must be cleaned, and often.

A 2012 study revealed that 67 different types of bacteria are found in the navel of an average person, so cleaning it regularly is an absolute need.

Most ombligos have cracks that can accumulate dirt and generate bacteria.

The Tiktok star and NHS Karan Rajan doctor explained that if someone develops a white, brown or yellow secretion that filters from the navel, an infection there is probable is probable.

El motivo por el que siempre deberías lavar bien tu ombligo El motivo por el que siempre deberías lavar bien tu ombligo

The doctor, which publishes under the @dr account.Karanr also told his Tiktok followers that if someone does not wash the belly button, he can develop what he calls "jewels".

"In all meat holes can accumulate sweat, dead skin cells, oils, fabrics, bacteria...If you do not wash regularly, this material can accumulate and harden in an onfalolith, a stone in the navel, "said Dr. Rajan.

"The navel stones come in a wide range of colors, it is usually black, but it can be light brown," he added.

It is more likely to be formed in someone who practices poor hygiene, a very deep navel or someone who is overweight.