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We must prepare children who enter the education system today so that they can develop in a world that we do not know how it will be.Train them to perform in careers, occupations and jobs that still do not exist, and to display capacities and skills that will be required but that, at the moment, we do not know what they are and we cannot imagine what will be.Can you imagine a major challenge?

But neither the educational system nor the educational programs nor the educators are prepared for the challenge.Less unions and ideologized and retrograde trade unions.Nor is society, because, simply, we do not know what exactly what is coming.In many cases we cannot even conceptualize it.

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We are not trained for such a large and fast level of change;so deep and disruptive.And while this is a global concern, we know that there are better positioned countries than others.There are societies that are investigating, thinking and planning;creating capacities, structures and institutions seeking to reach that future still unknown in the best possible way.

Could fill entire leaves of discoveries and revealing news.Wonderful things that will save millions of lives;others that are going to face huge ethical and moral dilemmas.But all of them will face unavoidable educational problems.

Those rare new hairstyles

A few weeks ago the news was known that Lucid Motors, a company founded just fourteen years ago and that only in the end of October he delivered some dozens of units to his first clients, surpassed a centenary company like Ford as a stock market.Like Tesla, another new company whose market price exceeds Volkswagen and Toyota together.

Netflix does not have a movie theater, but it is one of the largest audiovisual content distributors in the world.Facebook, Instagram, YouTube or Tiktok do not produce a content bit, but they are the largest platforms of distribution of digital material in the world.Amazon and Ali Babá are undisputed leaders of the global retail market, although they do not have a single piece of stock.Airbnb is the largest accommodation company in the world without having a single property that it puts for rent.Uber is the largest urban transport company in the world without having a single car of its property;At least not until its fleet of autonomous vehicles, today in the test stage.

These companies -technological or highly technified -acquire astronomical values in stock markets in a very short time, with much less employees and physical active per dollar invested than traditional companies;which makes them the favorites of investors.There is a revolution of the business models underway.Silent and uncontrollable.

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How fool it is to put obstacles to Mercado Libre;seeking to frame it under an obsolete postal statute or its workers in archaic union agreements!Less when Mercado Libre is worth more than sixty times what YPF is worth.Or when Vaca Muerta is that;something dead and without any value.And free market the future.


Just by showing an example among the hundreds possible, there is a technique today - called CRISPR ("Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic repeats" by its acronym in English) - which allows the genetic manipulation of any organism.

Simplifying in-anxtremis, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is the genetic alphabet-only four letters: a, c, g and t-, and ribonucleic acid (RNA) is the one that transfers the information contained in the DNA spelling theCells How to form each specific protein that make life.Using some enzymes with very particular properties, it is possible to add in the RNA sequence that is identified with its DNA torque the information to be transmitted.Once the RNA with DNA, the enzyme cuts that specific section in the DNA section and replaces it with the modification that was "inserted" in the RNA.

A "cut and paste" biological

The technique has been used successfully in all kinds of living beings.Also in humans.It is so simple that in the United States "kits" are sold for primary students to teach them the rudiments of genetic modification in bacteria.In fact, I bought the kit and all the necessary components.

There are already altered bacteria genetically not only to produce electricity -old -old -but to conduct electricity, which produced a biological nanocable that leads electricity to a level that has surprised even the scientists themselves.Or bacteria that convert sunlight into ethanol;that produce biodiesel or insulin.Or bacteria that "digie" plastic.Or fluorescent fish that are sold as pets.Recently it was possible to assemble an elementary biocomputer made of genetically modified coli coli bacteria so that they would work as an integrated circuit.

The book of life

If in the last five decades the technological revolution came from the hand of boys in garages designing home computers, software, games and apps;Today that revolution comes from the hand of boys who, provided with laptops and kits like the one I mentioned before, will change biology from their garages.

The human being will cease to be conditioned by natural evolution, so laboriously formulated by Charles Darwin.Now we will become architects and gods of our own evolution and our species.

It is almost mandatory to read two books about it. El primero de Walter Isaacson, “THE CODE OF LIFE”, Jennifer Doudna, “La edición genética y el futuro de la especie humana”.The other, a book by Doudna, creator of the technique: “A crack in creation.CRISPR, the gene edition and the incredible power to control evolution ”.Suggestive titles, right?

They were already genetically altered - for experimental purposes human embryos both in China and the United States.And while several decades can still pass until we are in a position to “design and produce custom babies”, I think we all understand that it is the Rubicón that we should not cross.

But we are facing a technique that could allow us to eliminate cancer, or save boys from genetic diseases or eliminate diseases such as diabetes, Alzheimer.Given this possibility, how many are willing not to move on?

What is the limit?

As with genetically modified organisms, you can carry a gene from one organism and implement it in another.What will prevent, in the future, eliminate a gene from human genome and implant a gene from another organism?What prevents us from becoming fluorescent just by following a fashion, or making gills develop to breathe underwater, or carry genes that allow us to process food in a different way, feeding on plastic as the bacteria that I mentioned before do;or that we manage to completely dispense with the need for organic matter to feed ourselves?Bacteria that feed on silicon have already been created.

What prevents us from creating different versions of human beings?Why can't we develop a human being that is more appropriate to live in Mars and another one more suitable for living in space or moon colonies?

Evolution is not a progress towards an ideal or more perfect model, but the form of an organism to adapt to a given niche.Why can't we bring the theory of evolution to its maximum expression creating multiple versions of human beings, each adapted in the most convenient way to its future niche in particular?

These are few examples in a single field - the genetic - that illustrate the level of change that comes.And there are thousands and thousands of examples in hundreds of other technological fields.And the process is not exponential but hyperexponenial;A shortcut, an advance or a discovery in a field, opens infinite possibilities in thousands of others.We are not prepared

While these things happen in the world, in Argentina the Conicet is co -opted by "militant scientists" -an oxymoron-.Pseudoscientists who deny science and scientific method.Anthropologists that pontificate about Mapuche identity, inclusive language and self -perception.Mercenary sophists who only seek to investigate the superfluous as an end in itself, while they turn their backs on reality and the future.

Do we prepare for the fourth industrial revolution?For the fifth, the sixth and all those that will come, now in more, more and faster, leaving us less and less adaptation and preparation time?

Linearity is not worth.What happened to our grandparents and our parents is not the same as we live or, certainly, what our children and grandchildren will live.We do not exceed the first one, neither the second nor the third industrial revolution.What makes us think that this time we can do better when the changes are so fast, deeper and more important?

As we continue to deny the future clinging to a retrograde past with such obstinacy;as we continue to deny the merit matching down and allowing it to be a flag bearer, both someone who studies and someone who does not;While we continue driving companies that create genuine and innovative work;As long as we continue instilling that basal distrust of capital and continues to teach that work is "exploitation";Then we only have ostracism, global marginality, the total primarization of our economy and economic, educational and intellectual pauperization with which we seem so comfortable.

Do not we see that, if so, the technological, educational, social, economic and income gap will only enlarging more and more?

The world will not wait for us to get rid of.

"Do not blame the sea of your eternal shipwrecks".

Without vision of the future there is no future.

Without plan or educational or merit, neither.