COVID-19: Can the virus be in my wallet or shopping bag?

Since its use was popular, most of us use reusable bags (or large wallets) to go to the pharmacy, supermarket and other essential points of sale.

Known for carrying not only our personal objects, we ask ourselves: should we be even more careful with them during the Coronavirus pandemic?

Jade Flinn, nursing educator of the Biocontent Unit of the Johns Hopkins Institute in the United States, spoke with Marie Claire UK and answered the following questions

-What contaminated are our shopping bags?

-The bags tend to be a vector for bacteria and viruses, since they are a very busy article that is found in a variety of surfaces, including floors, and it is not an article that is normally cleaned regularly.

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-Can the virus survive there or on its surface?

Covid-19: ¿puede el virus estar en mi cartera o bolsa de compras?

-The viruses such as SARS-COV-2, which causes COVID-19 pandemic disease, survive on the surfaces differently.On tougher surfaces, such as countertops, it tends to stay for several days, on porous surfaces, such as fabric or cardboard, it can last from a few hours to a few days.Depending on the different surface surfaces, the virus can last and become a potential vector that travels from one place to another.

-Are there articles in our bags that can transport more viruses than others?

-Piensa in what you collect and take out of your bag more frequently.The most frequently touched articles should be disinfected more frequently.What comes to mind are cell phones, keys and wallet content, such as cards and documents.

-How to clean my wallet later and before returning home?

-The wallet clean.If the bag has been exposed to people who may be sick or in high -traffic areas, it would be a good idea to clean it to reduce the risk that this article becomes a vector in the home.

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-How to quarantine my bag?

-Dear an article, such as a bag, intact for a time to dry any viral particle can be useful, but it is not recommended instead of disinfection and cleanliness.

-How my bag clean?

-The better way to clean the bags includes using gloves to protect yourself, a disinfectant solution or disinfectant wipes or perhaps some soap and water, depending on the material.

From Marie Claire Uk

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