Castilla y León already has Covid protocol for the 13F elections

The Junta de Castilla y León has made public the COVID protocol for the regional elections on February 13.A document that, as Ángel Ibáñez has referred, has been informed by the General Directorate of Public Health and ratified by the Community Electoral Board.

The Minister of the Presidency has assured that all the measures that shape this protocol are "the logics to safeguard people's health".Ibáñez has sent two messages to the Castilians and Leon: "I ask for caution of those who are going to vote and assure that the members of the months will have access to the protection material.

Infected and in quarantine

Voting is a fundamental right and is above other issues.I can recommend taking the prepared vote at home, being the shortest possible time at the Electoral College and fulfilling all the measures to prevent contagios.

The Covid protocol is as follows:

Preventive measures in public health against COVID-19.ELECTORAL JOURNEY.

Recommendations and general measures

In general, the following recommendations and measures are established:

- It is recommended that elector people carry the vote already prepared from home.

- The agglomeration of people at the entrance and exit of the electoral premises should be avoided, maintaining, in any case, the security distance.

- In particular, people over 65 years old or with some disability and the people who need their help will have priority for entry.Preferably 10 to 12 in the morning.

- Whenever possible, the entrance and exit route in the electoral premises will be carried out in such a way that the flow of people who enter and avoid contact between them is directed and avoid.

- They must be maintained, provided that it is possible, the doors of the electoral premises open in order to avoid the need to manipulate handles, blinks or similar, but avoiding air currents.

- The interior of the electoral premises should be maintained as diaphanous as possible, withdrawing all the unavoidable elements for the act of the vote.

- In the case of electoral access premises through stairs or elevator, the use of the elevator is advisable except for people who due to their functional diversity so require it.In the use of the stairs, contact with the handrails will be avoided and, as far as possible, the doors open with wedges or other systems will be maintained, to avoid the contact of people with the handles, blogs or the like.

- The minimum interpersonal distance that will be maintained.

Organizational measures

Without prejudice to collective and individual protection measures, organizational measures and adjustments must be taken in order to avoid the risk of mass coincidence of people:

- It will be available that only the person's voter access to the Electoral College will be allowed, notwithstanding that you can go accompanied if you need the help of another person for dysfunctionality reasons.

- The permanence of voters in the electoral premises will be the

- Indispensable to, where appropriate, the ballot selection and to vote.

- The members of the electoral tables will place information posters in the electoral premises containing the security indications that must be observed and, among them, those related to the correct use of masks and security distance.The posters will be placed in visible areas.

- The maximum possible distance between the members of the electoral tables and the remaining attendees (auditors, proxies and representatives of the Administration) will be maintained..

- State Security Forces and Bodies (especially the Local Police) present in the premises may collaborate in the control of access with the aim of properly controlling voter flows.

Castilla y León ya tiene Protocolo Covid para las elecciones del 13F

Collective protection measures

The following are established as collective protection measures:

- The minimum interpersonal security distances provided for in this protocol among all the people present, both in the accesses and in the voting areas, will be respected.

- The minimum interpersonal security distances provided for in this protocol between the voting person and the people members of the electoral tables will be maintained at the voting tables..

- The cleaning and disinfection actions of the electoral premises will be intensified, both previously and after the development of the electoral day.

- The electoral premises prior to the electoral day will be properly ventilated and, as far as possible, during that day, every 3 least, keeping the windows and open doors.

Individual protection measures

As individual protection measures, the following are established:

- Both people members of the tables and the rest of the attendees and voters must extreme respiratory hygiene measures and, when covering their mouths with a disposable handkerchief or against the arm with the elbow flexed.Likewise, they will avoid touching their eyes, nose or mouth.

- Apper and frequent hand hygiene will be maintained as the main measure of prevention and infection control.To this end:

or the people members of the electoral tables and the rest of the attendees will have hydroalcoholic gel (a boat at the electoral table, at the ballot table and in cabin) so that they can make use of them throughout the election day, as well as disposable plastic gloves to count votes.

Or in order to minimize the exchange of objects, there will be a device at the electoral table (tray or similar) where the voter can deposit the identification document without manipulation by the members of the electoral table.

- The voting person must tryAs and representatives of the Administration), except at the specific moment in which the voter approaches the table to make their regulation that, in any case, must last as long as possible.

- 2 FFP2 masks will be provided to each of the members of the electoral tables so that they can renew them every 8 hours.

Conditions of the electoral premises

In application of the different measures referred to and in what is particularly affecting the conditions of the electoral premises, the following must be fulfilled:

- The electoral premises must allow to maintain the minimum interpersonal security distances provided for in this protocol in the accesses and in the route to the voting area, taking into account the circulation of the people who access the premises and those who leave it.

- The electoral premises must allow to have the minimum interpersonal security distances provided for in this protocol between the voting person and the people members of the electoral tables.

- The electoral premises must allow to maintain the minimum interpersonal security distances provided for in this protocol between the members of the electoral tables and the rest of the assistants (auditors, proxies and representatives of the administration).

- The electoral premises must allow to dispose of the voting cabin (s) so that the intimacy of the voter is guaranteed in any case without the use of curtains, allowing access to a single person to theonce and seeking the use of different roads for the entrance and for the exit of this, but guaranteeing in any case the confidentiality of the vote.

- The electoral premises must have the necessary conditions for ventilation before and during the election day.


Table with ballots and voting envelopes

- Each of the electoral tables will have hydroalcoholic gel.Gel availability will be periodically verified and it will be replaced if necessary.

Voting cabins

- In the voting cabins, the curtain will be displayed and will be distributed so that the privacy of the voters is guaranteed without the need to display the same.

Electoral tables

- The voting tables will be located at a minimum distance of 3 meters between them.The length of each electoral table will be such that it allows to maintain a separation of 1.5 m between members.

- Order will be given to table members and auditors and proxies so that they do not circulate between the tables.

- Each spray table will be provided with proper viricide product and with disposable or similar paper towels for hygienization.

- The occupants of the table, must disinfect their work zone before starting the task and in the changes of position.

- Each table member will use their own pen or office material.

- If they should share minutes or other documentation, the hands will be disinfected before and after their manipulation.Each electoral table must have a hydroalcoholic gel dosing for the use of its members, as well as disposable gloves for allergic people to the hydroalcoholic gel.

Vote at the electoral table

- Voters will place their identification document on a tray with the photo up, keeping the safety distance at all times;Table members will not touch the document in any case.

- The voter will show the envelope to the members of the table, so that they can verify that there is only one vote;A table member will withdraw the paper that covers the urn and the voter will introduce her vote in the same.

- It is recommended that you always remove the paper that the urn covers the same person.

- In case of rotation in this position, a new paper will be used.

- The members of the table will not touch the voting envelope.

- Voters will not withdraw the mask except for the table to be required to facilitate its identification, taking care to maintain the safety distance and during the minimum essential time.

- There may only be one person voting against each table, except for you to need assistance.

- The auditors and the proxies will maintain the security distances (minimum of 1.5 meters) with the voters and the members of the table at all times.

- The members of the electoral table will use FFP2 mask at all times, unless they cannot use this protection due to health problems.In this case they must use surgical mask.The exception of using FFP2 mask will be accredited to the presidency of the table through medical report.

- It is recommended that there are no more than an auditor as a candidacy around each table.


- During the count, the FFP2 mask, and single -use (optional) gloves (optional) will be used.You will try to keep the security distance.

- The gloves will withdraw at the time the count ends and the hands hygiene will proceed.

- It will be guaranteed that in the room where the capacity is carried out, the capacity allows 3 m² per person and a minimum distance of 1.5 meters.

- If the room has windows, they will remain open during count.

Circuits for the delivery of the electoral documentation

- Before manipulating the envelopes for the collection of the minutes, and always before and after delivering, hand hygiene will be made.

- Delivery will be done by minimizing next contact time and in all cases keeping the minimum safety distance of one meter.

Specific measures: table members

- Each table member will be provided with 2 FFP2 masks.

- In addition, at each table they will have a box of disposable gloves, hydroalcoholic gel, disinfectant for disposable or similar paper surfaces and towels, bag to deposit waste, surgical mask bag, flanges, scissors and zeal.

- The members of the table, auditors, proxies and representatives of the administration must use the mask constantly and correctly, covering nose and mouth, avoiding the realization of activities that require their withdrawal, such as eating or drinking, in the stay whereare producing votes.

Specific measures: voters

- It is recommended to vulnerable people and those over 65 who come to vote preferably in the time slot from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m..

- Electorals and companions of 6 or more years of age must use the mask constantly and correctly, covering nose and mouth, with the only exception of the cases contemplated in section 2.a) of article 6 of Law 2/2021, of March 29, on urgent measures for prevention, containment and coordination to deal with the health crisis caused by COVID-19, modified by Royal Decree-Law 30/2021, of December 23, which adopt urgent measures of prevention and containment to deal with the health crisis caused by COVID-19, namely “people who present some type of disease or respiratory distress that can be aggravated byThe use of the mask or that, due to their situation of disability or dependence, do not have autonomy to remove the mask, or have behavioral alterations that make their use unfeasible ”.

Acting to the presentation of symptoms compatible with COVID-19

If during the voting process, any of the members of the table or the voters who were found inside the electoral premises, began to find themselves badly and refer to symptoms of Covid infection, it will be asked to remain away from the restof staff;A member of the table or the person who detects this situation will immediately notify the person in charge of the Administration and will be accompanied to a room enabled for isolation of possible cases of infection.

The person in charge of the Administration will contact the health services (telephone 112) that will assess the action procedure.