California teen pushes bear to defend his dogs

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The terrifying incident was captured by the home's video surveillance cameras.

Hailey Morinico didn't hesitate when she saw a bear in front of her dogs on top of a wall in her backyard in Southern California.

The 17-year-old ran outside and pushed the bear away, then rounded up the dogs and returned to the home in suburban Bradbury, east Los Angeles.

In the video surveillance images of the house it is possible to see the mother bear perched, attacking one of the dogs that was on the ground. Two bear cubs are seen behind the mother, while four dogs bark and run across the yard.

Hailey runs up to the bear, uses both hands to push it away, and grabs one of the smaller dogs. She is then seen, along with the animals, running out of the picture.

The bears disappear over the fence into a neighbor's yard.

"Honestly, all she thought about was protecting my dogs," the young woman was quoted as saying by the Associated Press.

The teenager ended up escaping the incident with only a sprained finger and scraped knee, but she advises no one to follow her example.

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