/ Health Cucumber, a great ally of health and beauty

Cucumber is a food associated with weight loss and is famous for its high water content, which makes it an important source of hydration. However, it has many other advantages, thanks to which it is an essential element in cosmetics and in any balanced diet. According to the Nutritienda experts, cucumber is a vegetable that does not contain fat and is very low in calories. In fact, 100 grams barely provide 13 kilocalories. It is one of the reasons why it is so famous and is often included in weight loss diets. But those are not its only benefits:

1. Rich in vitamins and minerals

Cucumber has become one of the star ingredients in cosmetic treatments and a fixture in many recipes thanks to its large amount of vitamin C that acts as an antioxidant on the skin and also contributes to the proper functioning of the skin. of cartilage and bone.

In smaller amounts, cucumbers provide vitamin A, also known as retinol. This vitamin contributes, among other functions, to the formation of collagen to keep the skin hydrated and protected against external agents. It is also one of the main ingredients for skin elasticity treatments and anti-aging creams. On the other hand, vitamin A also contributes to the maintenance of vision.

In addition, it provides small amounts of folates, a B vitamin that helps in the production of the famous DNA and other types of genetic material. It is also necessary for cell division in the body and for making red blood cells. In addition, it has thiamine and niacin that help the body's cells to convert carbohydrates into energy. If we consume it with its skin, we will find small amounts of b-carotene, a compound that causes a beautiful golden pigmentation on the skin. As for minerals, the most abundant in it is potassium, a mineral that regulates blood pressure.

To a lesser extent are phosphorus, magnesium and iron. These minerals have many functions in the body. For example, magnesium contributes to normal protein synthesis and contributes to electrolyte balance. In other words, it helps maintain normal muscle and nerve function as well as energy metabolism. Iron, for its part, contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system while phosphorus helps maintain bones and teeth.

2. Helps hydration / Health Cucumber, a great ally of health and beauty

About 96% of the cucumber is water. It is a great contribution of hydration, which makes it very useful for those who find it difficult to drink the recommended daily minimum of water, it is also essential for those who have dry or dehydrated skin, something that at this time of year produces cold and the heating.

3. Contains fiber

Cucumber, if combined with other vegetables, makes a considerable contribution of fiber to the body, which facilitates digestion and increases the feeling of satiety. It is one of the main reasons why it is an essential component in any diet to control weight. Consequently, it reduces appetite and improves intestinal transit. It is also diuretic and favors the good activity of the kidneys.

4. It has decongestant properties

When we think of a beauty ritual, the image of a person with two slices of cucumber over their eyes immediately comes to mind. And it is not for less: the high water content of this vegetable helps to hydrate and reduce inflammation in the area around the eyes. It is very effective in reducing dark circles and bags.

5. Has anti-inflammatory properties

This is another advantage of its high water content. Cucumber is a natural anti-inflammatory that has soothing and regenerative properties on the skin when used topically, which is essential to combat certain skin problems, such as acne, which is why it is a star ingredient for the manufacture of cosmetics. In addition, it also contributes to reducing the spots and scars left by pimples, as well as the famous beauty trick of reducing the color of the darkest dark circles.

6. It is antioxidant

Foods that have antioxidant properties, such as cucumbers thanks to the previously mentioned vitamin C, reduce the damage caused by free radicals, molecules that are generated naturally in the body and that are the cause of cellular aging. Thus, antioxidants are essential in any beauty routine since they provide luminosity to our skin and prevent premature aging, thus delaying the signs of aging.

To enjoy all its properties, the aforementioned experts explain the easiest ways to incorporate cucumber into our daily routine and take advantage of its multiple benefits:

In our diet

The most obvious is through diet, especially if you want to take advantage of its benefits to control your weight, these are some ways to eat it:

- Raw or cooked. One way to incorporate it into our diet is with one of the most delicious and typical dishes of Spanish gastronomy: gazpacho, a food that is gaining more and more followers, not only in summer or in the hot months, but throughout the whole year. year and of different flavors, gazpacho of strawberries, avocados, mangoes, beetroot or even just cucumber with basil. It can also be incorporated into all kinds of salads or eaten on the grill. Surprising is the recipe in which cucumber and goat cheese are scratched on puff pastry and baked like a pizza.

- In infusions, juices and shakes. Another simple way to make the most of the hydration and satiating effect that this vegetable provides. You only need a blender to fully enjoy the benefits of cucumber juice. A delicious recipe is to add water, two tablespoons of honey and the juice of a lemon. It also works great with green apple, ginger, and celery in smoothies.

- In sauces. It brings a refreshing and delicious touch to a large number of sauces, such as the famous Greek tzatziki sauce, based on cucumber and yogurt.

In masks and anti-acne products

Its anti-inflammatory properties make it a basic ingredient for anti-acne cosmetics. Cucumber masks, cleansing gels and creams will help the pimples and the marks derived from them to disappear. It is a component of cosmetics that especially benefits oily and sensitive skin.

In cosmetics for dry and dehydrated skin

Body gels and creams that contain it will provide a great extra hydration for the skin that needs it most. It is also a very useful ingredient in make-up remover products, as it ensures that they do not dry out while removing dirt and makeup from the face.

In products for dry and weak hair

Its great contribution of hydration makes it a basic ingredient in shampoos for frizzy and dry hair. It manages to hydrate and purify the scalp, while helping hair grow stronger. Likewise, its high vitamin content influences. For example, vitamin A is a great source of antioxidants and helps hydrate hair; and group B vitamins promote oxygen transport to the scalp, which makes hair grow strong and healthy.

Noelia Suarez, communication director of Nutritienda, has said: "Cucumber is a great ally, in many ways. Its low caloric content and its benefits place it among the most interesting foods to control our weight. But, in addition, it it has multiple benefits for the skin and hair that should not be missed. Those who suffer from acne, dark circles or have weak and dry hair will find a great friend in their beauty routine in cucumber. For this reason, at Nutritienda we want to remind you of the advantages of this vegetable, which is delicious and serves much more than we think".