Deputies enter bill that modifies the sanitary code to prohibit experimentation in animals with a view to the development of cosmetic products.- Constitutional newspaper

The initiative, sponsored by Deputies Karol Cariola, Maya Fernández, Carolina Marzán, Claudia Mix and Erika Olivera, together with deputies Alejandro Bernales, Tomás Hirsch, Diego Ibáñez, Vlado Mirosevic and Patricio Rosas, modifies article 108 of the Sanitary Code withThe purpose of prohibiting the use of animals to carry out security and efficacy tests of cosmetic products, hygiene and personal odorization.

The project states that in Chile and in several countries of the world the cosmetic industry performs experiments in animals, justifying its use as a need to test new products applicable to the human body safely, without exposing the integrity of people.These experiments carried out mainly in rabbits and rats can generate large amounts of pain and damage to animals, being cruel and unnecessary practices in the light of science progress.

The initiative proposes that Chilean legislation prohibit experimentation and tests in animals in order to make cosmetic products.It also prohibits the sale, marketing, import and introduction in the national market of these products.It establishes at the same time that no scientific evidence derived from animals tests can be used to establish the safety or efficacy of the products described and regulates the labeling of "free of cruelty" and the sanctions for the violation of these prohibitions.

The project adds the following new subsections Article 108 of the Sanitary Code:

“In turn, the use of animals is prohibited to carry out security and efficacy tests of cosmetic products, hygiene and personal odorization, as well as in each and every one of its ingredients, combination of ingredients or final formulations.In order to guarantee the protection of human health, in accordance with the rules of this Code, manufacturers must use alternative tests of tests that do not involve animals to demonstrate the safety and effectiveness of cosmetic products, hygiene and personal odorization as in all in alland each of its ingredients, combination of final ingredients or formulations, recognized by the Institute of Public Health or by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

Likewise, the sale, marketing, import and introduction in the National Market of Cosmetic Products, Hygiene and Personal Odorization whose ingredients, combination of ingredients or final formulations have been tested in animals are prohibited to demonstrate their safety and efficacy, after the entrancein force of the law.

Diputados ingresan proyecto de ley que modifica el Código Sanitario para prohibir la experimentación en animales con miras a la elaboración de productos cosméticos. - Diario Constitucional

Exceptionally the prohibitions established in the third and fourth paragraphs will not be applied for the tests in animals if:

  1. a) Fueron realizados fuera de Chile para cumplir con un requisito de una autoridad reguladora extranjera.
  2. b) Es solicitado, requerido, o realizado por el Instituto de Salud Pública, en el ejercicio de sus atribuciones, luego de demostrar, por medio de resolución fundada del Instituto de Salud Pública que, para ingredientes, combinación de ingredientes o formulaciones finales de un producto cosmético, de higiene y odorización personal:
  3. i) No existe un método o estrategia alternativa al uso de animales reconocida por el Instituto de Salud Pública o por la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico para demostrar los parámetros de seguridad , y
  4. ii) Los ingredientes presentan un riesgo de causar muerte o graves consecuencias para la salud, y

iii) The cosmetic ingredient is widely used, and cannot be replaced by another ingredient capable of fulfilling a similar function.

No scientific evidence derived from animals tests may be used to establish the safety or effectiveness of a cosmetic product, hygiene and odorization, or for their ingredients, combination of final ingredients or formulations, unless it meets the following requirements:

  1. a) En el caso de un ingrediente, no exista método o estrategia alternativa al uso de animales reconocida por el Instituto de Salud Pública o por la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico para los parámetros de seguridad de dicho ingrediente;
  2. b) Existe evidencia documentada de que las pruebas de seguridad y eficacia de un ingrediente no se realizaron con el fin de elaborar productos cosméticos, higiene o odorización personal;
  3. c) Existe un historial de al menos un año del uso de un ingrediente fuera de la industria cosmética, antes de la dependencia de dichos datos o testeos; o
  4. d) Que los datos obtenidos provengan de una prueba con animales autorizada, excepcionalmente, en conformidad con lo dispuesto en los literales b), o c) del inciso quinto del presente artículo.

Producers may use the labels or logos "free of cruelty", "not tested in animals", or a similar term, or a similar term, to inform consumers that the cosmetic product, their ingredients, combination of ingredients or final formulationsThey have not been tested in animals.

Cosmetic, hygiene and personal odorization products may not use containers or labels with the "free of cruelty" logo, "not tested in animals" or a similar legend if:

  1. a) El producto, sus ingredientes, combinación de ingredientes o formulaciones finales fueron probados en animales para establecer seguridad y eficacia posterior a la entrada en vigencia de la ley, y
  2. b) La prueba en animales fue realizada o contratada por el fabricante, o por otro productor, en la cadena de producción, o
  3. c) El fabricante se basó en evidencias o datos de las pruebas a la que se refiere la letra b) del presente inciso para demostrar la seguridad o eficacia del producto, sus ingredientes, combinación de ingredientes o formulaciones finales.

The infractions to the provisions of this law will be sanctioned in accordance with the provisions of Book X Title III of this Code with the exception of the seventh and eighth paragraphs of article 108 of the Health Code, which will be sanctioned in accordance with article 24 of theLaw 19.496 that establishes rules on consumer rights protection."

The project is in the first constitutional process, in analysis by the Health Commission of the Lower House.

See full text of Bulletin No. 13966-11 and follow your processing here.


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