Are wearing wipes really good for cleaning the skin?

And can they be used 'only from time to time'? Probably if you are reading this article is because you are a user of offaltical wipes.And you may also, after reading the above, you have wondered if you can use them 'even if only once and for time'.Before answering, it is important to clarify what we understand for 'occasionally'.Since it is a subjective concept, we are going to rely on an intuition: the one that tells us that 'occasionally' can mean using them a couple of days a week.In that case, Catalá does not consider that they are abusing them, as long as, yes, a tonic is then used to contribute soothing and moisturizing substances to the skin."The use of the tonic must be followed by a complete routine so that a key lipid contribution is not lacking that we may have eliminated during cleaning," explains Pedro Catalá.

Although it may be obvious - and although we have ruled out the continuous use of this option - it is always better to remove the skin with wipes rather than sleep with the makeup on.To good understanding...

¿De verdad las toallitas desmaquillantes son buenas para limpiar la piel?

Maybe you should use cleaning milk, that product that you banished in favor of micellar water

What are you doing badly by getting off your skin and your eyes?

There is a lifetime product that you should use when cleaning your skin (and you may not be doing it)