9 Spray fixers that protect your heat makeup (and from the mask)

por Carmen Santaella

Between the use of the mask and the arrival of heat, there are more possibilities that makeup lasts much less than expected.For many layers and mattifying products that you use, both the rubbing and the high temperatures will work together for spoiling it except that, of course, you go to one of the best valids fixative sprays of the moment.The best thing about this type of beauty products is that, in addition to keeping it intact for more hours, they also give you the finish that you like best: light skin, without pores, matified...It's up to you.

- The favorite cosmetic and makeup products of the 'celebrities'

9 fijadores en spray que protegen tu maquillaje del calor (y de la mascarilla)

Buy for € 31.99

Buy for € 42.99

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Buy for € 53.99

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Buy for € 18.45

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Buy for € 34.99

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