6 spray fixers so that your makeup lasts intact (much) longer


By Mayte out

Spray fixers are the best allies so that makeup resist even at summer temperatures

When summer and high temperatures arrive, our fear increases that makeup will be melted and running on our faces.For that reason, fixing sprays have become an essential step for all those who want their makeup impeccable for much longer.And it takes just five seconds to apply them and, with a simple gesture, you prolong the duration of your cosmetics for hours.The mode of use is very easy: the fixing spray is applied immediately after makeup and let it dry for a few seconds.Do you want a skin and makeup prepared to enjoy the day (or night) without having to worry about its appearance?We collect 6 spray fixers that you must have under your radar for summer.

6 fijadores en spray para que tu maquillaje dure intacto (mucho) más tiempo

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