5 creams with kitchen ingredients that you must use after 30 to eliminate wrinkles

Home remedies

Take care of your skin and the signs of aging disappear! Look young with these creams!
By Denise Jimenez
Tuesday, December 21, 2021 1:13 PM

We never imagined that with kitchen ingredients it would be possible to care for aging skin and eliminate wrinkles, however, this is true, it only takes the right foods to achieve it. Once we reach 30 years of age, our skin needs different nutrients, for this reason, and to prevent the signs of aging from appearing immediately, I have these 5 creams for you that you can make with ingredients that you find at home and cupboard. Take note!

One way to take care of our skin and eliminate wrinkles on the face is through cooking ingredients, which have been proven to be effective in improving the appearance of the skin and making it look young. Above all, these foods work perfectly for skin that is just beginning to experience the passing of the years, so we recommend that, if you are already 30 or over, you include one of these creams in your beauty routine.

Night creams for wrinkles

5 creams with cooking ingredients that you must use after 30 to eliminate wrinkles

The creams with kitchen ingredients that you should use after 30 are:

Avocado and honey

Avocado is rich in vitamins D and E, nutrients that regenerate the skin; for its part, honey moisturizes, hydrates and gives firmness. To prepare this cream, mix both ingredients (half a tablespoon of each) with your natural moisturizer; spread it on your face and the next day, wash your face with lukewarm water.


All you need to prepare this cream and eliminate wrinkles on the face is to mix a tablespoon of ground cocoa with 5 tablespoons of natural moisturizing cream. Use it every night and immediately notice wrinkles and expression lines fade.


Take care of your skin after 30 with this cream: blend half a cucumber with a cup of water; then, strain it and use the remains of this food; add 2 drops of rosehip oil. Spread it on your face and let it sit overnight. Then rinse with cold water. Store the leftover in the refrigerator.


If the first wrinkles begin to appear in the mouth or on the forehead, what you have to do is apply rice powder (3 tablespoons) with half a tablespoon of water; leave the cream on your face overnight and the next morning, wash your face. You will notice that the wrinkles disappear.


If you want to use this cooking ingredient to care for your skin after 30, all you have to do is add a pinch of sea salt to your natural moisturizer; use it every night and in the morning, clean your face with water at room temperature.

Which of these natural creams will you use to care for your skin after 30? Tell us.

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agingwrinklesnatural remediescooking ingredients