Police disarticulates a Croatian clan that stole in homes in Zaragoza

Agents of the Superior Police Headquarters of Aragon arrested two members of a Croatian clan dedicated to the robbery inside the homes in Zaragoza.

It is a male and a 24 and 21 -year -old woman respectively, who were arrested when they left the domicile in which they just entered Julián Ribera Street, in the Zaragozano Barrio de Delicias.

The investigation and detention was carried out by the robberies group of the Regional Judicial Police Brigade, who had located the two members of this itinerant band in the old town in the city of the city.

During the morning of last Friday, agents of the Judicial Police detected the presence of the two investigated by the streets of the Delicias neighborhood, so they established a surveillance device to confirm the suspicions that fell on the couple of Croatian origin.

Around 13.30, both were intercepted when they left a portal on Julián Ribera Street.The agents verified that the robbery had occurred inside the building, which presented the forced hype.

The agents checked the suspects and found among their diverse tool belongings and useful for the opening of doors, as well as you and cash, so they proceeded to stop them.

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After being transferred to police units, the relevant procedures began, among which the request and authorization of entry and registration of the apartment in which they stayed and in which jewelry articles, 400 euros in cash and useful for theOpening of doors, as well as false documentation attributed to the detainee, so it is also charged with a crime of documentary falsehood.

La Policía desarticula un clan croata que robaba en viviendas en Zaragoza

Since these people were located in the city of Zaragoza on November 16 until the time of detention, there were at least five robberies with force inside domicile, using a modus operandi similar to that used by theIntercepted clan members, facts that are charged to detainees.

During the morning of Monday, November 22, the two detainees were led to the Court of Instruction in Guard Functions, where once the declaration was decreed, the entry into prison was decreed for both.

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This is the tenth criminal group dedicated to theft inside housing dismantled what is going on the year.

The Regional Judicial Police Brigade has a robbery investigation group in homes and despite being a criminal type that is concentrated to a greater extent during summer periods and vacation times, it works on the prevention and detection of itinerant bands throughout the entireanus.

Only during the summer months six itinerant bands dedicated to this type of criminal nature were dismantled, adding ten so far this year.

From the National Police the following security councils are offered to protect your home:

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When you get home, it is important.

If you observe any marks on your door, do not take it off, call 091 and go to the place a patrol of the National Police who will make a requisition in your property and in the rest of the neighborhood.

Similarly, warn the National Police if you find the open room door or a broken window, highlighting that in these cases you should not enter home.

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A small investment can improve the safety of your home.Quality certificate, double lock of different types and brands, electronic peephots, safety alarms...

Try, as far as possible, not to leave visible signs that the house is unoccupied, has a neighbor or someone of trusted to collect the mail.

Do not count or upload photos about your vacation on social networks while you are not at home, do it when you return to home.

Both the owners and the junction of the community have to depose special attention to the access common to the property (access doors, garage, access door of the portal ...).These accesses must always remain closed, making it difficult to enter people outside the community.And if any damage or forcing is observed in any of them, notify National Police through 091 or through allercops application.