Shao Mai de Pork and Gambas

The Dim Sum are Chinese snacks that we take from here for an appetizer - and there rather breakfast - very varied and with different types of masses, fillings, shapes and cooking.One of those preparations that in a single bite well balanced contribute everything you need to put the papillae to purrininín.The Siu Mai, Shumai or Tamborcillos are one of the most popular: preparing them at home is just a little more complicated than cooking those that sell frozen (and much cheaper than asking them to a restaurant).

Pork is what makes amalgam.Adding some water and cornstarch is the trick to get this filling to be light and spongy, and the ideal is that the prawns keep a certain presence, so you should not chop them but to leave them in relatively large pieces.We can cut them into two or three pieces if they are medium and leave them whole if they are small;In this preparation it does not make much sense to use them large so saves the crown jewels for another recipe.

In addition to the onion we can use some chopped shiitakes, carrot or chin.We can make a vegan version with fine textured soybean with broth and soybean -o tofu-, minced mushrooms and vegetables to taste and a little cooked rice about 20 minutes like amalgamante.

Shao Mai de cerdo y gambas

I like to use wafers for Wonton instead of the Rounds for empanadilla because they are a bit larger, and there is a bit of extra dough that is a little less soft than the one in contact with the filling (I like the contrast).These Dim Sum are also perfect so that even the less skilled help them form them without escaping: they do not carry any repulgue or complicated process: they close like a hatillo and voila.

We can steamed them for about 15 minutes, in boiling water about 10 -although part of the flavor will go to the water -or in a pan with a couple of tablespoons of well distributed oil -this will make the base in the end it is crispy, and at the same timeNot on oil so that it does not jump when adding water- covered over medium heat, adding about 50 ml of water, letting cook five minutes and repeating the operation.If after the second five minutes there are no golden edges - if we are not very sure, we can lift one and look at it - leave a couple more minutes, without adding anything and uncovered.


A little more than buying them frozen, but neither much neither does.


For 4 people

For the filling



  1. Mezclar la carne de cerdo con el resto de ingredientes del relleno, menos las gambas. Amalgamar todo unos minutos hasta que quede una pasta bien integrada.
  2. Añadir las gambas troceadas y mezclar de nuevo.
  3. Repartir el relleno entre las 20 obleas y cerrarlas un poco haciendo una especie de hatillo (no tienen que quedar cerradas del todo).
  4. Cocinar con el sistema deseado y servir calientes, con un poco de salsa para mojar -a mí me gusta macerar vinagre negro y soja con ajo y jengibre picados un par de días en la nevera, colar y listo-, cebolleta picada y/o chile al gusto.

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