▷ How to clean a gold chain -

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1How to clean a gold chain
1.1Necessary utensils and products
2Another suggestion to clean a gold chain

La limpieza regular de nuestras joyas nos garantiza su excelente conservación. Además, como es probable que nuestras joyas tengan un significado muy especial o nos recuerden a alguien muy querido que quiso hacernos felices, es normal que nos esmeremos por darles un buen trato; conservándolas en óptimo estado y maximizando su belleza natural con una buena limpieza. Así que sigue leyendo y conoce cómo limpiar una cadena de oro, para que recupere todo su esplendor.▷ How to clean a gold chain - ▷ How to clean a gold chain -

The jewels are delicate items and depending on the material of its elaboration, they will require an adequate cleaning solution.Therefore, it is not too much, nor is it an extremism, that if your gold chain is very old, you consult an expert jeweler before cleaning it.Now, the most common is that we carry out the cleaning of our jewels at home;Well, they are very appreciated intimate items.Therefore, take note of the step by step so you know how to clean a gold chain.

How to clean a gold chain

Cleaning a gold chain is a super easy process and you can do it at home.Now take note of the procedure.

Necessary utensils and products


▷ How to clean a gold chain -

In a small plastic bowl add some water with warm gas and then add a proportional measure of liquid dishwasher, which is not abrasive because you could damage it.Remember to put a towel under the bowl to avoid spills.

With delicacy submerges the chain in the bowl and distribute it throughout the bottom of the container so that it is not agglutinated on itself and soak properly.Let soak 30 minutes.After the soaking time proceeds to moisten the brush in the soap, remove the chain from the bowl and place it in your hand.

Then, with very soft, fast and direction movements against and in favor of the clock, rub the chain everywhere.Remember to rub very well the links of links to completely detach the dirty and accumulated sweat.We suggest you buy a very soft bristle brush and use it only to clean your jewels.

If you observe that after scrubbing your gold chain it still has dirty traces, replace the soap solution with a new one and repeat the soaking process for the same time indicated indicated.Perform the process of rubbing with smoothness and you will observe how the charm of your gold chain returns.

It also takes into account that for the soaking process to be optimal, gasified water must be warm.This facilitates the detachment of the dirt of your gold chain.

Remove the chain from the bowl, place it in the strainer and rinse abundantly -if possible with warm water -.Takes to make circular movements with the strainer when rinsing so that the dirt is completely eliminated.

After rinsing your gold chain with a sufficient.A good suggestion is to acquire a cloth specially made to clean jewels, or failing to use a microfiber wipe.

Another suggestion to clean a gold chain

Dental cream is a very effective and very economical product to clean your gold chains.Simply apply an adequate amount of toothpaste on the jewel, rub with a soft brush, rinse with warm water and repeat the process of being necessary.Dry with a soft towel.

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