RD's parents "sell" to their kids for thousands of dollars

The days when the most quoted prospectuses and their families had to wait to turn 16, sign, pass rigorous physical examinations, and count 90 days to see the first baseball dollars and make the disbursement from the United States, remained in the past.

Today, a coach, no matter how renowned he may be, to concentrate on his show one of those jewels that drive the teams crazy has to spend money in advance. And the condition is made by the parents.

For a program to recruit or "buy" (the word that is handled in the business) a 12-year-old who "promises" can start by paying the father or mother $2,000. If the coach has a good report, the figure can be fivefold to US $10,000, although in some cases it reaches US $20,000, according to versions obtained by DL from reliable sources.

"there are platoters who have moved from their original garter to a program known for 25 and up to 30,000 dollars. It is a business of some importance, long before reaching the formal firm, "says Neftalí Ruiz, who since 2014 has organized a small League tournament where he plays an important core of talent that he later signs.

Brian Garcia, a coach who made a good position by understanding in time that change that took place over the past decade, thought he was quite clear. But even he has been surprised by the way this operation has changed business.

Garcia (fictitious name for anonymity) was recently presented with one of those rough diamonds with enough talent to label him "can't fail" and to retain him the father asked him for an unusual figure: $100,000.

Padres de RD “venden” a sus hijos peloteros por miles de dólares

This is a child born in 2009 and who will be able to sign at the beginning of 2025 when he or she is 16 years of age. It's an opportunity Garcia doesn't want to waste and, after a long negotiation, they agreed to pay him $2,000 a month from now until the firm.

Upon receiving the money, the parent delivers an important portion of the signature bonus that the teen will receive and gives his / her guardianship to the trainer. A number that is usually between 40 and 50 per cent in such cases, but may be higher. The 30% days were also left behind.

What triggered the payments?

The considerable increase in money that major League teams invest in future bigleaguers in the Dominican Republic is attributed to having unleashed frenzy, one that has attracted investors from different fields.

The business run by a group of trainers, mostly exploiters who did not make good money within the lime lines, changed skin and today compete entrepreneurs of recognized track record in other fields.

Between 1997, when the first $1 million bond was delivered in the country, and 2009, the teams authorized 21 seven-digit agreements. But between 2010 and 2021, the number of young people who signed billionaire signatures reached 130.

Similarly, for the 2004-2005 signature period, the 30 franchises allocated US $10,303,760 for the recruitment of 352 Creoles. That line reached US $86,748,300 to sign 471 Quisqueyans in 2019-2020, eight times more.

New scenario

This flow of money coincided with a change in the recruitment model. Until fiscal year 2011-2012, the teams had no limits to investing in the international market, which denatured the essence of recruitment, which rewards clubs with the worst performance to strike a balance with large markets.

In July 2012, the system in which the MLB determined the amount of money each team could invest was released. With that barrier, teams began to evaluate prospects at a younger age, conclude contracts earlier to prevent that player's price from rising as his talent developed.

It's a simple business issue. For the coach, who has a "goods" that can be worth a lot, but which can also be devalued, it is very tempting to secure money years in advance. For the team, it is business to seal an early talent with a limited budget.

Ruiz, a sports journalist with almost two decades of exercise, was struck by the level of wiretaps that were going to "scoop" (evaluate talent) children who were four years away from signing, until he understood the relationship between coaches and teams.

"there is another scouteo that can even be noticed in the 9-10 year tournament. We already have the scouteo early, the ball player who belongs to a League, but who doesn't have a program yet, doesn't have who represents him and there is a person who, independently, sometimes, or as an employee of a program goes and goes to the ball player and simply makes an offer to the dad, gives a report to his boss or to anyone who thinks he can buy the ball player, an offer is made to the father, to the League coach. That offer can be around $10,000 now and when the bonus arrives, if the boy signs I will give you 10%, already there, as the head coach will always charge around 30% that ball player has easily compromised 40% of his bonus and the ball player is 11-12 years old, he could be 10, which I have seen, are very special cases, but they are given, "Ruiz says.

A business that would be in great danger if the system of international drawing of signatures were put in place.


Years, it's the minimum age a young man must have to sign with a major League organization.

TEMAS - Nathanael Pérez Neró

Licenciado en Comunicación Social egresado de la universidad O&M. Ejerce como periodista especializado en deportes desde 2001.