Tini revealed the secrets of his make up daily: how much do the products they use daily cost

In a video made for Vogue magazine, the singer unveiled what her daily makeup routine in Tierra tones is like."The important thing is that you feel pretty," said the star encouraged to her fans to follow the beauty tutorial.By writing Peoplemolactualidad for writing people pachactuality

Tini Stoessel revealed to his fans his daily beauty formula.In a video for Vogue magazine, the singer gave a look for every day in Earth tones and that he said following her simple steps can be done quickly by anyone.

“For those who know me they know that I love to make up, comb my hair and be well for my day to day and my shows.And I have a make up for every day, ”said Tini A washed face in front of the camera.

To start the star, he advised his followers that always before makeup up his hands and moisturize his skin with some face cream, regardless of the brand.To the cream the young woman added a serum that confessed leaves her skin "brighter".

Tini reveló los secretos de su make up diario: cuánto cuestan los productos que utiliza diariamente

Once Martina Stessel moistry was finished, she used an eye contour and a facial oil since she loves to have a fresh appearance.Then applied the base of the Argentine brand of Regina Cosmetics, which on the Internet can be found at a value of $ 3000.After this, he applied a darker base called “base in SITCK” on his dark circles, which has a value of $ 1900 in the market.

Then he used illuminators in pink tones and shadows in his eyes of earth tones.Martina Stoessel also confessed that she has a brush that is her favorite and uses every day because for some reason she allows her to cover her eyelids perfectly.

Stoessel is a perfectionist of his delineated and eyelashes so he uses a liquid eyeliner of the Evelyn brand, which allows him to make some mistake when he passed it correct it only with a swab.To mark his cheekbones he uses a pink blush and because his lips are always cracked both in winter and summer to keep them careful use a lip balm.

"The important thing is that you feel pretty," he said at the end of his makeup.He also explained that although the makeup he made might seem a bit "difficult" or "cumbersome", with practice time can be done super easy.In addition to be sure that the makeup will not go with the running of the hours, the singer showed that it is also possible to apply a makeup sealant, although this may be an optional step.

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