Telva Retinol for eye contour?Yes, if you know which one to choose (and how to apply)

La zona del contorno de ojos es, con diferencia, la más sensible del rostro y la que antes delata los signos del envejecimiento, la deshidratación y la fatiga. Por eso, y pese a que no existe una edad concreta para empezar a utilizar cosméticos específicos para esa zona, siempre será mejor prevenir que intentar corregir los daños en la piel provocados por la contaminación, las radiaciones solares o la luz azul que emiten las pantallas de nuestros móviles una vez instalados. Es aquí donde el retinol, un procedente de productos formulados a base de retinoides, derivado de la vitamina A, entra en juego. Entre sus múltiples beneficios estéticos destaca su poder para retrasar la aparición y mejorar el aspecto de ojeras, líneas finas de expresión, pigmentación y arrugas pero ¿podemos aplicarlo también en una zona tan delicada como la de alrededor de los ojos?Telva ¿Retinol para el contorno de ojos? Sí, si sabes cuál elegir (y cómo aplicarlo) Telva ¿Retinol para el contorno de ojos? Sí, si sabes cuál elegir (y cómo aplicarlo)

The answer is yes, but with nuances.To achieve a rejuvenated and rested look is possible thanks to retinol but, given its irritating capacity in some types of skins, it is essential to know what product we are going to apply and, above all, in what concentration and how to apply it.Vitamin A stimulates the natural production of collagen, something that the periorbital zone appreciates since it is poorer in collagen and elastin than the rest of the areas of the face.However, people with sensitive skins must be more careful about their contraindications.The premises to consider when using retinol on the face are the same as for the eye contour only that, in the latter case, they must still be more accurately.

Telva ¿Retinol para el contorno de ojos? Sí, si sabes cuál elegir (y cómo aplicarlo)

Among the tips you need to know before starting to use it we have spoken that, preferably, it must be applied at night -contact with the sun can neutralize its benefits -, gradually, in low doses and always accompanied by sunscreen.When choosing what serum or cream with retinol for the eye contour is suitable for you, in the market it is possible to find multiple combinations of formulas, textures and percentages of retinoic acids.

Eye contour with Fitorretinol, from Bareminerals

Sale in Druni (26.80 euros)

This Baremineral eye contour cream is formulated with Fitorretinol, the vegetable alternate to retinoic acid, which makes it an ideal alternative for the most sensitive skins.In addition, it is not photosensitive, which can be applied in the morning without losing its benefits.

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Eye contour with retinol and ceramids, by Elizabeth Arden

Sale in Druni (41.40 euros)

Formula with encapsulated retinol of Elizabeth Arden with the ability to act up to five times deeper and freely release for eight hours for maximum stability and efficiency.

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Eye contour with retinol, from Olay

Sale in Druni (23.95 euros)

If you are looking for an eye contour with retinol that retains all its benefits but does not irritskin.

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