Natural cosmetics: everything that seems

Every year, more and more cosmetic and personal care companies go up to the natural car with green -inspired products: supposedly organic oils, shampoos with natural extracts, moisturizing creams with olive oil ... after a walk through the halls of anyCommercial establishment seems that almost everything is natural.But appearances deceive. A diferencia de lo que ocurre con la alimentación, los términos “natural” o “ecológico” no están protegidos en cosmética. En las siguientes líneas veremos qué es un cosmético natural, los certificados de estos productos en la Unión Europea, sus componentes y su efectividad.

Natural cosmetics: without law, but certified

"The law will only deceive consumers, but since it is not defined officially what is considered an ecological naturalo cosmetic, each company can apply its own criteria," explains Montse Escutia, Coordinator Dered Aesthetics and Secretary of the Association Saint Life Association.Thus, a brand can include 1 % ecological oil oil and put on the "moisturizer deaceite of ecological olive", although the rest of pure chemical components: it is what is known as Greenwashing, a marketing technique that the consumer makesperceive as natural products that are not really. Para tener una ideamás precisa, basta con mirar la lista de ingredientesy comprobar en qué lugar aparece un componentecualquiera: aquellos con mayor porcentaje van alprincipio.

Despite the advances of recent years, today there is no European legislation that details the requirements to be met (origin of the ingredients, minimum percentages, labeling standards, etc..) so that a product can be called natural or ecological.In the absence of regulations, multiple certificates of promised organisms (Ecocert, Natrue, Soil Association, Cosmebio, BDHI, Icea, healthy life, healthy life, healthy life, healthy life...), hasta que cincode ellos unificaron criterios en 2010 en torno al estándar común Cosmos.

Cosmética natural: no es verde todo lo que parece

These stamps specify the minimum percentages of natural and ecological ingredients, in addition to guaranteeing the detransgenic, parabens, nanoparticles, silicones and coloring and synthetic perfumes, among other politically toxic components for the skin or the environment.These logos are the ones that we must look for in the containers to know how to agree if they are really natural or pure strategic strategy. La mayoría de las compañías españolas decosmética econatural disfrutan del sello BioVidaSana,un aval que pasó de certificar a 10 empresas en2014 a 75 en la actualidad.

Specialized shops

Although natural cosmetics can be found in large commences, the available variety is scarce and mostly one of other countries.Specialized businesses, thus comolas chains for sale of ecological foods, have a broader range.But before buying it is important to apply that they are certified products.

Many small and medium -sized cosmetic companies use local ingredients, as a study by Marketing Agency Mintel.Some cultivate their own ingredients and there are even brands that have been created by farmers with lavender crops, olive trees, arnica, etc..To give added value to your productions.

Natural cosmetics, more effective than conventional ones?

And are natural cosmetics more effective than synthetic?Both types of cosmetics are valid.Will depend that we are looking for and each person.

Los jabones,champús, hidratantes o dentífricos naturales sontanto o más efectivos que los convencionales.In other cases, not so much. Los pintalabios no duran tanto porquelas ceras naturales no se fijan tanto como las sintéticas(aunque a cambio tampoco resecan tanto los labios),y como no se pueden conseguir todos los colores conpigmentos naturales, estos son menos luminosos.

Los tintes de pelo son un mundo aparte.Conventional ones completely eliminate the natural coloration of the hair and are very aggressive treatments.Ecological cubes hair with natural pigments and the result is a mixture of your natural color and the picment.We will never get a blonde."It's a matter of focusing beauty in another way," says Escutia."Understand that inner beauty is more beautiful to be on the outside.And be clear that there are factors with greater impact on our skin, olewood such as food, hydration, breathing and sport, "he says.

Do not forget to eat well!

The skin is the most extensive organ of the human body, and recreation reflects the inner state.It is no use to use cosmeticos to resort to the most advanced technologies to parameter our appearance, if we do not carry a healthy andquilibrated diet, because the effect we will achieve will be many lasting.Among other tips, experts remember avoiding alcohol and ultraprocessed foods and decreasing animal protein, viscera, sugar, industrial pastries and fattrans, in addition to consuming local products and season.

The natural ingredients that triumph

Without being an exhaustive list, these natural entities and their properties are present in many products:

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Cosmetics Beauty Natural Creams Leather Ecological Products

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