Check your bag: this is the expiration date of your products

Organizing and cleaning your products boxes, make the eternal doubt: can I or not use this cosmetic?Like food, beauty products have a useful life.Due to their own characteristics or conservation methods, they can be useless or worse, harmful to our body if used after a certain time.The microorganisms that contaminate them can be responsible for damages such as allergies or irritations.To avoid this, keep two data: the minimum duration of a product and its conservation period.The first refers to the time in which it is considered that the cosmetic will continue to have the same properties as at the time of its opening.The second, also known as PaO (PERIOS AFTER OPENING) designates the period in which the product can be saved after opening.It usually appears on the product label with the letter "M" and an open jar.This indication is not mandatory for some products such as aerosols by their void contact with the outside or the monodosis.

The date is not the only indicator of the validity of a product.Remains very attentive to texture and color changes.A liquid lipstick that suddenly becomes sticky (here some options in red) or a mascara with lumps cannot be used.Some products have, due to their chemical composition, greater durability than others: in a general way, cosmetics powder endure more than liquids or creamy.Other factors such as product conservation or even their application have consequences in their future uses: try to save makeup in a fresh and dry space and if you take it with you, protégelo properly.If temperatures are very high, it can deteriorate or lose consistency much faster.Try to choose products in smaller quantities to avoid useless expenses: Take for example the product application necessary to sunbathe.The purchase of your protector alone will be more reasoned, taking into account that it can be preserved at most dorms months.

Revisa tu neceser: esta es la fecha de caducidad de tus productos

Do you have doubts?Discover the expiration date of 12 basic products of your bag.I could save you from more than one problem.