Baby Botox.What is the beauty treatment that millennials and centennials love

Aesthetic medicine constantly reinvents itself, and every day includes young. En este sentido, el Baby Botox se consolidó como el tratamiento estrella entre los millennials y centennials, que no paran de ver ejemplos de su aplicación en redes sociales.There is nothing more to look for the term #babyBotox on Instagram to cross with more than 35 thousand publications about it (and in crescendo). Pero...What is this technique?This is the application of small doses of botulinum toxin in a single session (something in which, according to several portals - international celebrities such as the influencer Kylie Jenner or the former Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle) and which finally have a finalGet a "natural" effect without falling into the extremisms of aesthetic medicine.

"Baby Botox consists of the injection of botulinum toxin in microdosis to prevent the formation of expression wrinkles in susceptible areas such as priest, forehead and rooster legs," explains Dra.Fabiana Zelaya, director of the Zelaya Beauty Center located in Recoleta.While its effects can be seen after 48 hours of the application, the final result is obtained at 15 days, while the total duration of the product in the skin is 4 months.Regarding differences with the traditional method, Zelaya emphasizes that the amount of applied product is simply reduced.And he adds: "To rejuvenate the gaze of people over 35, we apply 50 or more units, while in the Baby Botox 15 to 20 units are used".

Millennials and aesthetics

Baby Botox is an option that men and women use with the objective of softening their expression lines and at the same time prevent the emergence of new.The procedure lasts a few minutes, and being practically painless, allows those who choose to continue perfectly with his usual routine."The purpose with this technique is to reduce muscle activity so that the groove in the skin does not occur as a result of the continued gesture," explains the DRA.Ana Bogado, from the Fimedical Aesthetic Medicine Center.

Regarding the age at which many begin treatment, Dra.Lorena Stubrin de Fimedical maintains a surprising fact: many begin to consider "from 25 years, when collagen and elastin production begins to decline".In turn, Dr. María Rolandi Ortiz, medical director of Red Medical Art says that, “although it is true that it is a technique highly demanded by young people, there are many adult patients who first prove the results of the baby botox and then be encouraged at more dosesHigh ".One of the reasons why this technique was extended and became so popular is that, when applied in microdosis, a taboo closely associated with the botox in general: “Many people think that the Botox loses the ability to expression of the face,something that happens with bad applications of other infiltrations, such as fillings.When the work is done by an experienced professional, the result is subtle, ”concludes Rolandi Ortiz.

Baby Botox and Facial Dymorphic Disorder

Baby botox. De qué se trata el tratamiento de belleza que aman los millenials y centennials

By Marina Rovner.Specialist in Anxiety Crisis, Phobias and Panic.Degree in psychology.Master in Communication and Culture.Professor Inter -American Open University Professor.@Llic.Marinarovner

Adolescence is a period whose objective is the search for identity.It is common that during these years of great physical, psychic and emotional changes, insecurities arise about oneself and the question of how they are seen by others, carrying shame and difficulties that in extreme cases can lead to crisis of anguish and social phobia.

Los mitos culturales acerca de la belleza, suelen imponerse como una realidad deseada para los más jóvenes, que al sentirse fuera de esos parámetros, muchas veces evitan situaciones sociales y experimentan malestares intensos.On the other hand, the increase in virtual encounters during the pandemic has put the face in the foreground of exposure.

The face and applications filters

"The filters of the applications change my face: they define my chin, delineate my cheekbones and make my nose more straight, which are features of what I had always felt a little insecure," says a 16 -year -old teenager. Ella forma parte del creciente número de jóvenes que ha pensado en la posibilidad de intervenir su rostro a través de procedimientos estéticos, para parecerse más a sus imágenes virtuales.

According to a study by the American Academy of Facial, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 55% of facial plastic surgeons saw in 2017 patients who wanted to operate to look better in the “selfies”, compared to just 13% in 2013. El estudio también halló que el 56% de los cirujanos encuestados notó un aumento de los clientes de menos de 30 años.

Algunos jóvenes usan tratamientos estéticos como un bálsamo para ayudar a sobrellevar la preocupación por su apariencia en un intento de disminuir los pensamientos críticos.Main obsessions include nose, complexion, cheekbones, dark circles, wrinkles, acne and spots.

The reality is that behind these insecurities typical of youth, what is called "facial or bodily dysmorphic disorder" can be hidden in psychology, in which one or several defects are perceived in an intense way, which causes significant anguish, impacting his ability to work on his daily life, although for others he is seen as less.

La persona que padece el trastorno dismórfico corporal, se enfoca intensamente en su apariencia corporal y puede recurrir a numerosos procedimientos cosméticos para tratar de “arreglar” su defecto percibido.Then, you can feel temporary satisfaction or a reduction in anguish, but often anxiety returns and it is possible that the search resumes with other ways to fix your perceived defect.The characteristics are:

Before agreeing an aesthetic intervention, it is necessary to rule out elements of facial and body dysmorphia.In addition, it is possible to work with a professional in the ways of managing greater confidence in oneself: