Why you shouldn't remove make-up in the shower

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You've been doing it all your life, you take advantage of the moment you shower to do several cleanings at the same time: the body, the hair and also the face. Whether it's because you're in a hurry and need to save time, out of habit or laziness, removing make-up in the shower is a practice we've always done.

Unfortunately, we bring bad news for those who have this habit very integrated into their daily routine: removing make-up in the shower is not a good habit because it can damage the skin.

In this way, it is useless if after the shower you apply creams, toners or serums to take care of the dermis of your face, since care begins with the process of removing make-up.

If you don't know the reasons why you shouldn't remove makeup from your face in the shower, we'll tell you about them in this article.

Reasons why you shouldn't remove make-up in the shower

Why you shouldn't remove your makeup in the shower

Hot water

Except in the summer, one of the most desirable things about taking a shower is that the water is piping hot. But did you know that high temperatures can damage the skin? If your water is at a high temperature, which is unavoidable in winter, facial skin, which is more delicate than the rest of the body, candry out and cause irritation.

High power

Another factor that can cause damage to your face is the water jet, if it comes out at a considerable intensity. The fact of being under the stream for a long time, with water coming out at great power, can make our skin very dry.

Suitable products

It is impossible to completely remove the remains of makeup with just a shower. The skin constantly accumulates impurities and dirt that must be removed with specific products. In addition, to remove makeup it is also necessary to use cleansing milk or oils, which we cannot handle in the shower. Therefore, it is appropriate to separate your beauty routine from your grooming routine.

So how do I remove my makeup?

Warm or cold water

It is best to remove make-up with warm or cold water to avoid that high temperatures can damage the skin, but, at the same time, soften the make-up a bit and make it easier to remove.

Use specific products

After moistening your face with water at the right temperature, use cleansing oils or milks. Makeup remover wipes, although they get you out of trouble, are not recommended because they can dry out the skin. After removing the remains of makeup, follow with a specific gel for the face and, finally, apply a facial cream.

As you can see, the crux of the matter is, above all, not to exceed the temperature of the water. Keep this in mind and follow the rest of the recommendations to apply a make-up removal process that is more respectful of your facial skin.

Cleaning yes, make-up removal no

The shower can be a good time to apply a specific gel for the face to finish off the facial cleansing after removing make-up. In this case, try to make the water that comes into contact with your face lukewarm or cold, and when you finish showering, apply a moisturizing cream suitable for your skin type.

In this way, in the shower you can do a quick cleansing of the skin, but in no case remove make-up or exfoliate .


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