What is the best age to start using anti-aging products?

Did you know that from the age of 25, 1% of the collagen in the dermis begins to be lost annually? And it doesn't just happen with collagen, but also with elastin. This is one of the causes of skin deterioration, the appearance of wrinkles and the loss of that characteristic shine of young skin. So yes, although each skin is different, approximately at the age of 25 the first signs of skin aging begin to appear.

At first, fine lines appear and, later, wrinkles and loss of volume and density begin to be perceived. The skin ages for various reasons, some unavoidable such as genetics, and others that can be stopped with the help of cosmetics adapted to the needs and condition of the skin.

Causes of skin aging

There are some factors unrelated to the passage of time that accelerate (and much) the appearance of lines, wrinkles, sagging and other signs of skin aging.

When to start using anti-aging products?

¿Cuál es la mejor edad para empezar a utilizar productos antienvejecimiento?

There is no specific age to start with anti-aging cosmetics, because it is not the only factor that affects the health of our skin. If you want to declare war at the first signs of age, the ideal is to start as soon as possible (yes, well before they start to appear), so from the age of 25 is a good time. But many specialized brands recommend using their products from the age of 27-30, which is when those first lines and wrinkles begin to appear. The question is: prevention or treatment?

How to choose an anti-aging cream?

The first thing to take into account when choosing an anti-aging cream or product is the type of skin we have and its needs. It is in this category (for example, oily skin) that we should look for anti-aging active ingredients that help raise collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid levels.

Creams that promote cell renewal and contain antioxidants (which prevent oxidative stress) are beneficial in combating skin aging. Assets that you should take into account: retinol, vitamin C, hydroxy acids (HA) and hyaluronic acid.

And you should not forget the best anti-aging cream, which is ideal for all ages: sunscreen. Because exposure to sunlight is the main cause of premature skin ageing.

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