The "spray and voila" of the already famous mists or facial waters has become such an automatic gesture for many as the lip balm.The reasons are several: these products have a recognized flash effect, cool, hydrate and revitalize the skin of the face in seconds;They allow to set makeup, optimize the effectiveness of subsequent beauty treatment, activate microcirculation and compensate for the loss of mineral salts after exercise.But the cosmetic industry never sleeps and wanted to go one step further with the new sprays formulated through nanotechnology and micro-diapersion, capable of distributing assets atomed and that they penetrate more depth.Refreshing is fine;Treat (also) is better.We tell you in five keys:
1.Nanotechnology.According to Dra.Cristina García Millán, from the Spanish Academy of Dermatology and the Pedro Jaén Group, the nanotechnology manipulates new materials at a scale between one and one hundred nanometers."Much of this science is dedicated to the design of new cosmetics, and they ensure that skin penetration increases".The doctor.Gabriel Serrano, dermatologist and president of Sesderma says that “the mists that until now existed in the market were waters or lotions with a formula focused on refreshing, but not to act as a powerful treatment similar to a blister or a serum.Nanotechnology gets to penetrate more deeply on the skin, ”he says."The explanation is that this technology applied to cosmetics causes the particles to become significantly minor," explains María Pérez Cervera, Mtwo Beauté's Marketing Manager."Through the nanosomes we keep stable and active the ingredients once they penetrate," he adds, pointing out that the cream format in nanotechnology is much heavier and the ingredients do not penetrate equally good as in spray.But Dra.García Millán points out: the degree of penetration is not yet well established, and not all products can reach papillary dermis (in deep dermis they do not arrive)."What is certain is that nanotechnology helps the particles penetrate something more and their action and duration be greater".
two.Specific assets.The new molecular sprays are usually formulated with a specific asset or objective.For example, collagen, vitamin C or hyaluronic acid.As they explain from Collistar, the hyaluronic hydrates from within and increases the synthesis of their own collagen thanks to a monosaccharide contained in the formula, glucosamine, and to the different molecular weights.The same goes for collagen, also of greater and lesser molecular weight, which manages to compact the complexion.Even so, Dra.García Millán points out: "Collagen is huge, perhaps what they penetrate are the amino acids that form collagen".
3.Puras.Yes, the type of water is key. La que contienen los nano-sprays de Mtwo es ultrapura, es decir: libre de sales, alcohol, bacterias, hormonas, parabenos y parafinas, con un pH de 7 a 8, o lo que es lo mismo, alcalina; y opera como vehículo transportando las partículas de los ingredientes hasta la dermis para ganar en eficacia.They count from the brand that this type of water transports the assets according to the principle of osmosis, and this makes the difference with a normal serum in another texture, whose ingredients take longer to reach the deep layers.
4.No spray, microdispersion yes.Here the important thing is the content, but also the continent.We talk about sprays that more than pulverize, disperse atomized, reducing the ingredients to microparticles, as in the case of Skin Up, which they call "the electronic polvera": instead of retouching with the classic powders of a lifetime, one can do it with this electronic beauty device that contributes in a flus a long -term global antiaging result, in addition to a perfect flash effect at the time. ¿Y cómo se aplican? Un par de veces al día, de media, durante two o 3 segundos, sujetando el producto en posición vertical y a una distancia de 15-two0 cm.
5.Long term ... and short too.That they are authentic treatments in the long run does not mean that they also do not incorporate the advantages of a facial mist on use;that is, a good result instant. De hecho, además de aportar todas las vitaminas, minerales y oligoelementos que el cutis necesita para dar brillo, hidratar y revitalizar, algunos ofrecen el plus de reflejar la luz con una especie de efecto soft focus, es decir, como si llevásemos un filtro que disimula imperfecciones y aporta luz two4 horas.
Etiquetas: cosmética|cuidado piel