Tricks not to peel after burning you sunbathing

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Sunburns can be very annoying and cause the skin to peel. However, there are certain tricks, like the ones we show you in the video, that will help you avoid it.

First of all, lower the temperature of the skin by taking a shower with cold water. Do it using soft gels that protect the PH of the dermis and avoid any cosmetic product that contains alcohol or aromatic oils. Once you get out of the shower and have dried off, apply a good layer of moisturizing cream that is light and quickly absorbed all over the body. It is also a good idea to hydrate from the inside by drinking plenty of water, in this way the skin will recover the lost moisture.

If you've been burned and have red areas on your body, you should apply moisturizer several times. Being so dry, the skin will sponge and absorb the cream quickly. Therefore, always carry the cream with you and apply it from time to time.

Tricks to avoid peeling after burning yourself drinking the sun

To prevent the skin from peeling after being burned, it's also important to avoid scratching, as it will cause it to lift. Exfoliating isn't a good idea either, at least for the first few days. When the skin burns, it suffers and becomes sensitive, so exfoliation will not help it at all.

As for food, in addition to drinking plenty of water, you should eat products rich in vitamin E or C such as citrus fruits or apple cider vinegar, as they prevent skin flaking.< blockquote class="twitter-tweet">

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— SoluteLabs Wed Feb 13 15:00:34 +0000 2019

If the burns cause you a lot of pain, the best option is to avoid clothes with a rough touch that are in constant contact with the areas of the body that have been burned. Chamomile will also help you relieve discomfort. Make an infusion, let it cool and then apply it to light touches on the most damaged parts of the skin.

Finally, do not expose yourself to the sun until your skin has recovered, otherwise the sun's rays will continue to penetrate the dermis, increasing burns. It will be better to stay in the shade and apply a sun cream with high protection.


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