Talasotherapy: Enjoy the goodness of the sea this summer

Are you already on vacation?Or are you planning them?Both in one case and in the other, you may want to include among your plans a Yrelax leisure option, which can come well for your health: go to a talasotherapy center.The Boom of the Spas has not passed by the sea: the talasotherapy centers multiply and become an increasingly appetizing health and beauty alternative.What do they offer us? The first thing is to be clear about what we can find in these centers.Talasotherapy consists in the use of seawater and other marine elements, algae, salts, barros ... for therapeutic purposes.In short, use all sea benefits as a source of health.Thus, according to the Spanish Talasotherapy Association, it consists of simultaneous use, in a marine environment and under specialized medical supervision, of the benefits of marine elements for a preventive or curative purpose.These elements are: marine bioclima, sea water, marine sludge and algae.And we cannot forget that, thanks to its specific characteristics -it is chlorinated, sodium and hypertonic water -seawater is a very important resource for health at a preventive and curative level, since its mineral wealth provides different effects on the body.Plus...Experts consider that not only the mechanical effect of water (the pressure on the body) or its action by osmosis (that is, the penetration of their assets through the skin) must be taken into account.You cannot forget the sedative effect of sight, sound and smell of the sea, nor the action of water microgotes that are suspended in marine environments and that are aspiled through the lungs with each breath.Although it is not necessary to be an expert to know that only seeing and perceiving the sea nearby to the saddest encouragement ... do you dare?Much eye, however, many establishments are described as "talaso" without really being.To be considered Talasotherapy Center (compared to those who offer seawater treatments) it must be close to the coast (according to French regulations, for example, a maximum of three kilometers from the coast) and use sea water "live ”, that is, directly from the sea and constantly renewed.

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Talasoterapia: disfruta de las bondades del mar este verano