This is the most personalized cream you will find in your pharmacy

Si existe la crema perfecta (o no) es discutible. Como todo, la percepción sobre la cosmética también depende los gustos de cada usuario tanto o más como de las patologías y características de cada piel. Encontrar el producto a tu medida dependería, por tanto, de cuanto mayor sea la posibilidad de personalizada. Y en estas debieran estar pensando en el grupo Cosmética Pharma para contar con la marca italiana Dr. Lauranne, especialista en ofrecer soluciones personalizadas que respondan a las necesidades de cada consumidor.Telva Así es la crema más personalizada que encontrarás en tu farmacia

This brand recently landed in the pharmacy channel of Spain, comes to this day with ancestors focused on the studies of new formulations. Dr. Gaetano Galeppi founded his pharmacy in 1939 and his heirs created Dr. Laureanne in 1971, a subsidiary specializing in the formulation of personal and skin care products. Their products are as motivated by skin care as they are by the environment since they contain no parabens, no petroleum products, no animals.

The key to this company is the development of an innovative technique for each pigment to design its own cream. The creation process is limited to three simple steps. The first one selects a base, then adds the most interesting active substance for skin treatment and concludes by adding the fragrance you like best. A fourth step based on solar protection can be added, ensuring that the cream has a SPF50 protective sunscreen, thus turning a unique cream into a fundamental piece in the fight against damage caused by solar rays.

Telva Así es la crema más personalizada que encontrarás en tu farmacia

En el primer paso, cuando se elige la base, existen 5 formulaciones diferentes que abarcan desde texturas más consistentes, adecuadas para pieles más secas y exigentes, hasta fluidos más suaves de absorción rápida como las que suelen necesitar las pieles más jóvenes. Este componente se obtiene a base de la mezcla de agua (destilada, desmineralizada o mineral) con sustancias grasas (mantecas, aceites minerales o vegetales) y ligadas con un emulsionante. Telva Así es la crema más personalizada que encontrarás en tu farmacia

As far as the active substance is concerned, the substance that allows the treatment to be functional and has a specific purpose, Dr. Lauranne has determined 10 typologies so that each cream can attack a different problem. These 10 functions that cover the main skin needs are: moisturizers, anti-wrinkles, contour and volume, age protection, rejuvenation, anti-aging, anti-polution, sensitive skin, perfect skin and illuminating.

Finally, one of the five fragrances offered by the brand can be added. Cashmere, vanilla and ginger, delicious, incense and black pepper or guayacan wood so that the sensory effect of the smell is one more detail to take into account in the customization of the product. With this simple and fun formula of crafting a personalised cream, a revolution shakes the cosmetics sector away from generics to give way to the most absolute characterization, far from conventionalism.

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