Skin care: the best tips to optimize your routine

La Dra. Barbara Sturm, Jasmina Vico y Aegean Chan comparten sus consejos para rectificar cualquier error que hayas cometido en tu rutina de cuidado de la piel.

Por Tish WeinstockCuidado de la piel: Los mejores consejos para optimizar tu rutina

At 30, I finally feel that I already have my skin care routine well insured.And yes, I am one of those people who adheres to the idea that skin care is a form of self -care.Apply hyaluronic acid in the morning and niacinamide at night makes me feel that the world is how it should be - even when, clearly, we are living the Armageddon.In fact, I am so obsessed with the health of my skin that I almost caused my boyfriend to my boyfriend after a retinol treatment got out of control.Always read the labels.

But there were days, at the beginning of my twenties, in which I was very lucky if I brushed my teeth before getting into bed, and let's not talk about getting offs.At that time, I thought that rosacea was simply an irritation caused by alcohol, that vitamin C was just something that was taken, and minimized solar burns saying that they would later become a tan.Does it sound familiar to you?

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Lo que come una nutricionista a diario para tener la piel más sana, bonita y luminosa

Unfortunately, we cannot compose the sins of the past, but you will be happy to know that we can compensate them in the present.Next, Vogue talks to three skin care experts about the most common mistakes we commit when we are young and how we can rectify them now - because it is never too late to start taking care of your skin.

Aegean Chan, dermatologist

¿Cuál es el daño más común que le ocasionamos a nuestra piel cuando somos jóvenes?

‘The most common and preventable damage to our skin is sun exposure, including tan and solar burns.Most people do not take discomfort to apply and reapplic solar filter, especially when our skin seems to recover from the effects of UV damage without visible consequences.However, UV radiation accumulates and manifests later in life such as wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, skin thinning, sun spots, redness, rupture of hair vessels and, most worrying, skin cancer.’

¿Cómo podemos remediar esto?

'Nunca es demasiado tarde para comenzar a cuidar tu piel. El daño de la radiación UV es acumulativo, así que incluso si empiezas más tarde, puedes reducir la exposición al sol y prevenir el fotodaño futuro, lo cual puede ayudar a reducir el avance del daño visible. Proteger nuestra piel del daño UV es igual de importante en las etapas posteriores de nuestra vida. Esto no solo significa utilizar diariamente una cantidad generosa de filtro solar de amplio espectro con un FPS de por lo menos 30, sino también convertir en una práctica el hecho de evitar el sol programando actividades al aire libre temprano por la mañana o por la tarde, utilizando ropa que proteja del sol y permaneciendo en la sombra.Cuidado de la piel: Los mejores consejos para optimizar tu rutina

Cuidado de la piel: Los mejores consejos para optimizar tu rutina

Using a retinoid is a great way to help repair the damage caused by UV rays on your skin - help to treat thin lines, as well as hyperpigmentation caused by UV rays.Similarly, our skin is less capable of retaining water and becomes dry as we get older.Use good moisturizing creams with ceramids and moisturizers such as glycerin and hyaluronic acid can help keep the skin more hydrated and elastic.'

Jasmina Vico, skin health specialist

¿En algún momento ya es demasiado tarde para cuidar de nuestra piel?

‘No, but I'm not going to lie, while you start, the better.’

¿Cómo deberíamos estar cuidando de nuestra piel?

‘Use solar filter every day - yes, even when it is cloudy.Apply a good topical vitamin C in the morning and a retinol a at night and a moisturizing cream after each one - it does not have to be the most expensive.We must sleep well at night and pay attention to the things that detonate inflammation such as stress levels and diet.Treatments and products are very important, but we also have to think holistically;How is your intestine?How are your magnesium levels?.’

¿Qué consejos deberíamos estar dando a nuestros hijos acerca del cuidado de la piel?

‘We should educate our children about sun protection.Apply the appropriate sun filter, use a wide -winged hat when the sun is at its maximum point, sun lenses that block UV rays.If these habits shapes, they will foresee a lot of damage.’

Barbara Sturm, aesthetic doctor

¿Cuál es el daño más común que le hacemos a nuestra piel cuando somos jóvenes?

‘In part, the excessive use of aggressive acids;In part, very simple steps like not letting out before going to bed.Eat a lot of sugar (which can cause outbreaks);Mix many different brands (and therefore, ingredients), and the excessive use of exfoliating products.’

¿Cuáles son las maneras principales en las que deberíamos cuidar de nuestra piel en las etapas siguientes de nuestra vida?

‘The foundations of your skin care routine are always the same: deep cleaning, hydration, exfoliation and application of the best anti -inflammatory, antioxidant and nutritious ingredients proven by science.This approach must be constant.Oral supplements to ensure that deficiencies are being compensated in your diet are more important than ever for your skin and health.’

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By Erika Ferrer

¿Qué deberíamos enseñarle a nuestros hijos?

'The diet is fundamental.Child skin reacts more sensitively to what they eat and incorrect food can generate inflammation.Inflammation, regardless of whether it is internal or external, is the root of many of the dysfunctionalities and diseases of the body and skin, from acne to rosacea, and inflammatory influences are everywhere - including everything we ingest.

Children love sugar, so this is a challenge.Too much sugar, as well as too much salt, and processed or fried foods have clearly visible negative effects on the skin.I recommend serving children mainly water or a teas..

The anti -inflammatory foods that we should consume until we satisfy ourselves are black blackberries - blue, blackberry blackberries - green leafy vegetables, beans, seeds and nuts, as well as foods rich in glutathione, a powerful antioxidant, such as asparagus, peppers, carrots, broccoli, pumpkin and spinach.Fatty fish such as salmon are full of omega-3 anti-inflammatory acids.

In addition to this, children from the elements must be protected.A delicate and safe solar filter is imperative.Something less obvious is anticontamination protection if you are in an area with high levels of air pollution.Children should also be protected from the excess blue light - or hev - from the screens.Hev rays, which penetrate more deeply than UVA and UVB.Good luck with that!.'