What is a humidifier and how can it benefit your skin?

When we talk about skin care, the first thing that comes to mind are cosmetic products: creams, serums, toners, masks and more, however, the appearance and health of our skin does not depend solely on what we apply about him. In addition to factors such as sleep habits, diet and genetics, there are environmental elements that have a lot to do with how our skin looks, among them are solar radiation and pollution -probably the best known- since it has been shown which are largely responsible for skin aging. And it is not the only thing, because the humidity in the environment (the amount of water vapor in the air) also has a direct relationship with the appearance of our skin. "Low humidity levels degrade the skin's natural moisture barrier, which can lead to flaking, cracking, and peeling," dermatologist Dendy Engelman explains to Allure. It is very important to take this situation into account, especially given the season that is about to begin, as it is known that in the cold months the air is much drier, and therefore tends to dry out the skin. Added to this are strong winds and artificial heating, factors that also cause indoor air to be dry.

There is no way to escape from autumn and winter, and surely for very few it is feasible to move to a tropical paradise, however, there is a way in which you can control the humidity levels in these times, at least indoors. your house, which is where many of us are still most of the time, and where we will surely be when the cold season begins in full. These are humidifiers, devices that serve to increase the humidity of an interior space and that are even usually recommended for people with very dry skin. If this is your case or you simply want to be prepared for the coming months, this list of humidifiers can be useful, just remember to consult your dermatologist and/or allergist first, in addition to following the instructions of the device to the letter and washing it frequently.