Avoid that your dog falls so much hair: follow these tips


Hair drop can also be associated with some disease. Si usted detecta algo fuera de lo común, llagas o caídas localizadas, vaya al médico veterinario que trata a su perro para hacer los exámenes correspondientes y determinar qué puede estar sucediendo.(Dogs and cats can also develop a malignant tumor) "As with people, some hormonal alteration can alter the skin and hair of dogs.Also, parasitic diseases, fungi, mites or fleas can affect, "says Gabriel García.The expert recommends that "it is barely seen that the hair is being falling excessively, it scratches a lot or getting too much, you have to consult the doctor on time and thus prevent the disease from being complicated".


With reactivation and return to schools, universities and offices, people sometimes only have time to take their dogs for a walk at night. Sin embargo, se debería buscar la manera para que los animales puedan salir durante el día para que aprovechen la luz solar: "Les ayuda a la síntesis de la vitamina D y de la melatonina, que tiene que ver con la piel y el pelo", asegura García. (Pets, ansiosas por la soledad que trae el retorno a la rutina)Además, los paseos les ayudan a bajar los niveles de estrés y ansiedad por el encierro o los factores en sus hogares."When there is a lot of stress, as with humans, there may be hair and skin damage.So, the indispensable thing is that they can have time to play, feel useful, play with the ball and stimulate them mentally, "he explains.


Por último, pero no menos importante, hay que entender que hay medicamentos que pueden producir la caída del pelo."For example, dogs that have cancer and receive chemotherapy, or those that are treated with corticosteroids, tend to make their hair more frequent than normal.It is advisable to check with the veterinarian if this is causing excessive hair loss and what could be done, "concludes Garcia.(Keep reading: Know how to detect skin disorders in your pet)

Evite que a su perro se le caiga tanto el pelo: siga estos consejos


DA17 de octubre 2021, 06:05 P. M.DLDavid Alejandro Lopez Bermudez17 de octubre 2021, 06:05 P. M.Relacionados:




Dogs y gatos

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