How to take care of the skin of men with beard

The aesthetic aspect can be one of the elements that condition a better or worse mood of a person.In the case of men, some choose to leave a beard to see if it favors them.Beyond the beard, the face of the face should take care of it to maintain a good appearance and because it is healthy.

Testosterone is the hormone that regulates man's skin and this implies that they secrete much more fat, which gives rise to the formation of acne, wrinkles and imperfections.The beard does not make miracles and does not prevent this from also happening in the area where it comes out.Next, we explain what you can do to keep a soft, young and healthy skin:

Remedies to keep a man with a beard perfect

To take care of the skin and keep it healthy, it is not enough to wash your face in the morning with water.There are three crucial rules to get it: clean, exfoliate and hydrate.There are numerous soaps to wash your face in the morning and before bedtime.

There are also many exfoliating creams, although in this case it is not necessary to do it daily, but it is convenient to exfoliate the skin once or twice a week to leave the epidermis completely clean and without black points.Finally, the cosmetic that is recommended to hydrate the skin is a moisturizing cream, which prevents toxins from entering the pores.It is a cream that is customary to apply before going to sleep.

Cómo cuidar la piel de los hombres con barba

The skin under the beard must also be taken care of.For these cases, there are specific gels for beard skins that clean the area and also hydrate it.In addition to these products, there are also those who advise the use of specific balms and oils when the beard is very leafy or even emollients containing vitamin C.

On the other hand, it is important to put sunscreen whenever we are going to have high sun exposure.In fact, in addition to being able to cause some disease if we do not use sun cream, it is also one of the reasons why the appearance of wrinkles in the skin is accelerated.

Putting sun cream is something that not only has to be done during the summer months and you also have to apply it when we go out to practice some sport outside, since sun exposure, even if it is not so direct, occurs anyway.Upon returning home, it is also very necessary to apply Aftersun or a moisturizer.

In addition, to this list of tips to take care of the skin you can add the existence of anti-aging creams to reduce the advance of wrinkles.The men who consider appropriate to use them must do so in the morning and at night and, in addition to putting it on the face, they must also extend it around the neck.

The same can be done with clay masks, which apply twice a week for a quarter of an hour and, then, you have to clean your face and remove all the remains that the mask leaves.It also acts as an exfoliating and moisturizing.

Finally, beyond the lotions and creams that can be used, rest properly and respect the eight hours of sleep, as well as follow a balanced diet and hydrate properly and without drinking any alcohol, they also contribute to better skin care.