Fruit and vegetables: how to avoid waste

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, more food is wasted in spring and summer. Summer is a particularly critical period for the conservation of many foods, especially those that are not always put in the fridge, as is the case with some fruits and vegetables. According to MAPA, fresh fruit and vegetables are one of the most wasted products.

How to conserve fruits and vegetables

If you Don't want these foods to end up in the trash, you have to know how to keep them well.

What to do with the fruit and vegetables we have left over?

What if we go on vacation and we still have things left?

Fruta y verdura: cómo evitar desperdicios

In the first place you can make puree or cold creams that then freeze easily and you can take advantage of it at any time.

But there are also many vegetables that can be frozen directly (the fastest and easiest solution). It is true that the texture of these foods can be resented, especially when they are very rich in water, but they are perfectly usable for smoothies and smoothies or as an ingredient in recipes for sweets, biscuits, biscuits etc.

Watch out for moldy pieces.

All of these recommendations are for pieces in good condition, or so mature that they won't hold out for almost a long time, not for spoiled fruits or vegetables. If vegetables get moldy in many cases they will have to be thrown away. Only "turgent" fruits can be saved, where it would be enough to remove the moldy part and a piece around it; on the other hand, the tender and moist meat of soft or harinous vegetables (tomato or pear, for example) lends itself to penetrating the filaments of the fungus mycelium, so we must discard them.