Blood type. Compatibility and Heritability. – Culturamas

By Damián Serrano Martínez.Blood Group. Compatibility and Heritability. – Culturamas Blood Group. Compatibility and Heritability. – Culturamas

It is likely that many of us have ever wondered what kind of

of blood we have, what it means and why. Surely because of the interest when donating blood or receiving it, due to the need for compatibility.

In humans, the blood group can be A, B, AB or 0, and can also be differentiated by their Rh, which can be positive or negative. A total of eight blood types.

What it means for the blood to be A, B, AB or 0 is the existence or non-existence (in the case of group 0) of antigens on the extracellular surface of the red blood cell, an antigen being like an “identification card”. ” from the red blood cell to the person's immune system. If it does not recognize the antigen (group 0, since it does not present antigen, does not have this problem) the immune system will attack those red blood cells that are foreign to it.

For example, a person with blood group A will be compatible with another from group A and group 0. A person from group AB will be compatible with anyone since they recognize both antigens, and one from group 0 only with those of group 0.

Blood Group. Compatibility and Heritability. – Culturamas

But this is not completely true, since we must also add the Rh factor, positive or negative, which also indicates the presence of another antigen, positive if it is found, negative if not. Resulting in Rh-positive blood groups being compatible with Rh-positive and Rh-negative, and Rh-negative only with themselves.

Now we can better complete the previous example. If our blood group is A+, we can receive blood from groups A+, A-, 0+ and 0-. But if it is A- we can only receive from groups A- and 0-. From this it follows that the universal donor is group 0- and the universal recipient is group AB+.

Our blood group is determined by our genes, inherited from our parents. A gene with three alleles (A, B or 0) is the one that determines our group. But our genome is made up of pairs of genes, so the blood group is determined by one gene from our father and another from our mother. Of these alleles, A and B are dominant, and 0 is recessive.

This means that if our genotype (genes) is A0, our phenotype (gene expression) will be A. And if the genotype is AB due to codominance, the phenotype will be AB.

Then people in group A could genotypically be AA or A0, B would be B0 or ​​BB, 0 would only be 00, and AB would have a paternal allele A and another B.

An example, if we have a father B (BB) and a mother A (A0), their offspring could be either AB or B (B0). Another example of a father A (AO) and a mother B (BO) could have offspring AB, A (A0), B (B0) and 0 (00). This is the result of the combination of one of the two genes from the father with one of the two from the mother.

The inheritance of the Rh factor is more complicated and presents several theories that we will not discuss.

As a curiosity, to know that in Spain the proportion of each group would be: A+ 35%, A- 7%, 0+ 36%, 0- 9%, B+ 7%, B- 2%, AB+ 3% , and AB-1%.

A striking fact is that the origin of the B allele comes from the plains of Mongolia, where it has been found in greater proportion. Also, as a point to highlight, in countries like Japan (with a highly distributed proportion of blood type) it is common in the curriculum to ask about the blood group since they associate it with personality characteristics. There are even diets based on blood group like those of James and Peter D'Adamo.

Compatibility table:

In addition, here is a page that delves into all this topic.

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