ABC Sevilla South Boulevard Tips for preventing sun spots on the skin more in beauty "Bob" for curly hair: thus they can enhance your mane south boulevard

Cómo (y dónde) puedes realizar un buen entrenamiento para ponerte en forma

Being tan in summer is a pleasure, but you can take its toll if we are not cautious, because we know the effects of irresponsible sun exposure.Although it is carcinomas and melanomas (main types of skin cancer) that must raise awareness about prevention against sun's rays, there are other benign spots that can give us more than a headache.We talk about melasmas, those dark spots caused by the sun, which usually appear on the upper lip, on the forehead, on the cheeks or on the bridge of the nose.

Melasmas are smooth spots that usually have geographical edges and a brown or grayish hue that causes antistnetics on the face, because they seem to dirty it.They are spots that, once they have appeared on the skin, are difficult to eliminate completely, although they require the use of specific creams, treatments and apparatus applied by qualified professionals.

First of all, the first thing we must take into account is that given the appearance of any new stain on our face or in our body, it is convenient to visit the dermatologist to review it and indicate the most appropriate treatment, in case there areA considerable aesthetic impact.Because, the sooner we begin to treat stains, the more chances of success we will have.

How to prevent sunspots

Many of these tips are the same as recommended to enjoy the sun and summer in a healthy way.But, in the case of spots, it becomes great importance to follow them throughout the year and not only during the heat months.

- Do not abuse the sun: the ideal to avoid spots on the face is to avoid direct exposure to the sun (what we know as "sunbathe").First of all avoid the most dangerous hours for solar radiation (between approximately 11 and 16 hours) and protects the skin of your face with a 50 factor. Today this does not imply covering your face with a thick white ointment, since there areProtective creams with color, makeup and mists with this protection factor that allow you to protect you from the sun with greater comfort.

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- Half an hour before: it is the margin with which you must apply the solar creams, especially when you go to the beach or the pool.Get used to get out of the house with the applied protector so that when you expose yourself to the sun's rays, it has already been absorbed and settled on the skin.Otherwise, the application could be late or unequal due to friction, sand and other factors, exposing yourself to burns in concrete areas of the face, as well as an unequal tan.Likewise, it is essential to protect the skin after the bathroom or after a couple of hours.

- Use a UVA and UVB protector: both types of radiation are very harmful to the skin and affect differently throughout the year.UVBs have more incidence in summer, while grapes, in winter.The former cause pain when there is an overexposure (burns), but in the case of grapes, the absence of pain can hide the damage that causes our skin: aging, spots and melanoma, among other disorders.

- Use hat: or cap, whatever you prefer.The difference in spots proliferation will be remarkable, especially in relation to the activities that you do outdoors and in the most dangerous sun hours.

- Protection all year: you have various options to protect your skin from solar radiation, even in the months in which it seems that the sun does not damage your skin.From moisturizers and makeup with FPS to facial mists that can be applied as a final makeup step, through color protectors, the options are for all tastes.Make this a routine especially if you take medications that favor the appearance of spots in the face of sun exposure (as we explain below).

- Photosensible medications: we must take extra caution if we are taking any of these drugs.For example, if you are following some dermatological treatment to combat acne, your specialist will have informed you of the importance of photoprotection to avoid the appearance of sun spots on the skin, which is especially vulnerable in these cases.Likewise, women who use hormonal contraceptives are a risk group in this regard and should use sunscreen throughout the year.Other common photosynity medications are anti -inflammatory, corticosteroids, laxatives, antihistamines, hypertension medications or antidepressants.Always consult your doctor to clear doubts.

- Integrate the protector into your makeup: Surely you find it more comfortable to use a makeup base or BB Cream with sun protection factor than to apply a sunscreen as a previous step.Take advantage of the options with solar filter in compact powders format to obtain an immediate good face effect while the spots foresee.

- No perfume or makeup: they are also photosensitizing agents, so they can multiply the effects of the sun on the skin.This is the case of those that contain essential oils, dyes and perfumes in general.

How to treat sun spots

Although some disappear by themselves, such as those related to pregnancy, most are permanent and require the prescription of a treatment by the dermatologist.As for cosmetics, we will find creams that contain active ingredients such as hydroquinone, tetrinoin, azelaic acid or corticosteroids, which serve to clarify the skin in the affected areas.

There are other types of more invasive treatments such as microdermabrasion and chemical exfoliation that fight excess pigmentation based on eliminating the surface layers of the skin.Likewise, the laser is another invasive resource when treating sun spots that the professional can recommend once.

However, these types of treatments apply in the winter months, when sun exposure is minimal.


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