10 products to eliminate acne, cutaneous nightmare that affects 80 % of generation Z

Next, the final guide to eliminate acne, according to experts.

Stress, always genetic determinant, poor diet, sedentary lifestyle or the use of inappropriate cosmetic products for your skin type are risk factors that increase the probability of suffering an acne outbreak.

However, the main cause of its appearance is hormonal imbalances.As Laura Calomarde confirms us, Rees Clinic Gandía dermatologist, "usually manifests when an imbalance of androgen hormones occurs, hence the acne is more common among adolescents, who are in the process of hormonal change."

And there is no reason: according to the latest studies, more than 80 % of teenage skins present it.And of course, when we combine a grain, a spin or a black point with a self -esteem that is still being developed, the result can be a drama of biblical proportions.Especially if we take into account that, as the expert states, "acne is one of the skin pathologies that most affects those who suffer from it."

Laura explains that “acne is caused by bacteria that are created when pores are clogged due, mainly, to a high sebum production, something typical in adolescence.This causes the skin not to breathe correctly and that the pores become infected.The good news is that it is a very common condition, that it can be treated and, therefore, it should not worry excessively. ”

10 productos para eliminar el acné, la pesadilla cutánea que afecta al 80 % de la Generación Z

The doctor tells us that there are two types of acne.“On the one hand, there is the retention, which are the black points or open comedones, and whose action zone is the contour of the nostrils.On the other, the inflammatory, which are closed pimples or comedones, and that usually occurs as a red and high lesion with a white center. ”

The ABC to eliminate acne once and for all

If you want to eliminate acne and say goodbye to all of those granites that are good to make an appearance at the most inopportune moment, Laura advises a lot of constancy and following a three -step routine anti -centers:

  1. La limpieza es fundamental. Recomiendo limpiar la piel con una fórmula específica para piel grasa o un jabón neutro.
  2. Asegúrate de que tu crema de tratamiento diaria incluya activos que desobstruyan los poros, prevengan los brotes acneicos y traten los puntos negros.
  3. Utiliza protector solar a diario, ya que el sol incrementa la producción de sebo, lo que acelera la aparición de imperfecciones en la piel.

With this selection, and a little patience, you will wear a complexion in perfect magazine before you realize.