The life of a blogger: 4,000 euros for a photo on Instagram

Gala González tiene el caché más alto de las blogueras de moda españolas.La vida de una bloguera: 4.000 euros por una foto en Instagram La vida de una bloguera: 4.000 euros por una foto en Instagram

On horseback between London, New York and his native Coruña, she has worked as DJ, creative director and presenter.

I learned that elegance is impossible to copy after investing part of my adolescence in imitating - without too success - my mother's leg crossing.I also wanted to cross them dancing.Later - with my first savings - I realized that elegance cannot be purchased either.Nor leaving my salary in a Blazer in Chanel, the very coconut would have given me the elegant qualifier.

To Gala González, on the other hand, Coco would have been granted even with a house shoes.And not because at 30 years it is one of the 10 most influential bloggers in the world, but because as one of his fans says: "Gala was born elegant".

He has long stopped being niece of -su uncle is Adolfo Domínguez-.The numbers certify it: 407.000 results in Google, 688.000 followers on Instagram, another 313.000 on Facebook and more than 80.000 on Twitter.«None bought.I prefer quality to quantity, ”he says.Gala creates a trend, fashion firms know it and that is why they have been reserving a place in the coveted first row of the most important parades in the world.

He receives us in Barcelona, where he has traveled from New York, a city in which he has lived for a year, to go to a friend's wedding.It excuses it because it is wrong - he poisoned having dinner in a Japanese restaurant - and as long as he poses in front of the goal I remember the advice of another of his fans:

Me han dicho que no te gusta que te llamen bloguera...
Porque soy influencer. Y eso es algo que va más allá de un blog. El término bloguera tiene a menudo una connotación despectiva.
¿Cuánto tiempo hace que no vas de compras?
En realidad no hace tanto. Aunque me regalan mucha ropa suelo comprarme zapatos y bolsos. Si te digo que tengo más de 100 pares de zapatos es poco. Y bolsos, otros tantos.
¿Sabrías distinguir un Louis Vuitton auténtico de una falsificación?
[Ríe]. No he tenido oportunidad de compararlos.

Seeing it it is hard to believe that it only takes three minutes to get ready.«Knowing how to mix is where the style resides.You don't have to dress as a brand to dress well ».The ease you have to combine large signatures with basic ones that are available to anyone is your gift.Gala knows and explodes it.And the brands see in it the perfect showcase.Your cache is the highest in Spain: it can charge 2.000 euros to mention a brand in a tweet.And more than 4.000 euros for photographing on Instagram.Even Tommy Hilfiger hired her to serve as a model at the 30th anniversary of the company.

¿Por qué crees que prefieren invertir en tus opiniones antes que en una campaña publicitaria?
Porque ambas cosas son necesarias. Influye el trabajo bien hecho; intereso porque tengo un contenido auténtico.

La vida de una bloguera: 4.000 euros por una foto en Instagram

Talk with ease and although sometimes it may seem something superficial - "for a fashionista like me everything is essential" - it is not: "In a photo you can be who you want to be.I have to distinguish between the outside world and the inner world.The day I stop doing so I will have failed as a person ».

Gala González is much more than an it girl.At 18 he moved to London to study fashion in Saint Martins, the same school in which Galliano or McQueen began to draw their first patterns.There, and through a photolog, he began to issue a trend."I was no longer interested just to design".

When he entered Saint Martins he had already designed and launched his first collection for Adolfo Domínguez, the family business.It was enough for a bit of imagination and a lot of daring to revolutionize the young line of their uncles business."I had everything to be installed, but both in fashion and in life, you have to risk".

Hablando de arriesgar: ¿Todo es combinable?
Nunca combinaría un escote con una minifalda.

He says that if you teach leg it is better to cover the neckline and that, if they give her to choose, she always bets on teaching leg.Issue of elegance.

¿Las tendencias se pueden adaptar a cualquier cuerpo?
Sí, pero necesitas ser realista y conocer bien ese cuerpo. Es una cuestión más de sensibilidad que de presupuesto o de forma.

Speaks with vehemence of a world that for her is a necessity.«Fashion is art.It is a form of communication and expression.It can be superficial but entertains me ».And he says that he has three cabinets, one in each city in which he lives: «In my houses in London and New York I have garments for my day to day.In A Coruña I keep those that have a special meaning ».He also confesses that he misses his land.«After 12 years living in London, imagine.Look if I miss it that I have tattooed the word morriña ».

His assistant interrupts her to remind her that the doctor has arrived and that they go with the right timing.It excuses himself, and while the newspaper Ojea La Cover, a photo in which the four political leaders who have been trying to form a government appears: «What catches my attention is the color of Albert Rivera's costumes.It usually resorts to light gray, which does not give anything.You could clearly get more out of us ».Word of influencer.