How to eliminate fat in armpits without going through surgery

Abscesses, lumps, folds, rolls or love handles of the armpits. You can call them whatever you want, but it is still fat in the armpits that you can eliminate starting today by applying the tips that follow below.

What is armpit fat?

Armpit fat is nothing more than a localized accumulation of subcutaneous fat as a result of your genetics, overweight, illness or sedentary life.

Visually we perceive it in the form of lumps, rolls and excess hanging skin located on the sides of the chest, just below the arms where they join the trunk.

Why does fat accumulate in the armpits?

The accumulation of fat in the armpits in the form of pockets, abscesses, lumps, rolls or folds is very common and, in fact, many men and women dare to go through the operating room to perform an axillary brachioplasty and eliminate it permanently.

But what if it's not necessary?

You already know that here we are in favor of eliminating fat with exercise and a balanced diet and, believe us, the fat handles of the armpits can also be reduced without going as drastic as surgery.


The first thing is to know why fat accumulates in the armpit area and, for starters, you should know that people of all weights, ages and sizes can have fat in the armpits, although it is more common in women. The causes of its accumulation can be reduced to the following:

  1. Genetics. The distribution of body fat has a great hereditary influence and we cannot do anything against it.
  2. It is normal that, when overweight, subcutaneous fat tends to accumulate in the armpit area, as well as that the breasts grow or even the skin of the area tends to hang. In fact, excess breast tissue can also disguise itself as underarm fat.
  3. Hormonal processes. Breast tissue and its surroundings are very sensitive to hormonal changes that take place during puberty, pregnancy and menopause. As the breasts grow, it is easier to accumulate fat in the area under the armpit.
  4. Swollen axillary lymph nodes. Faced with infections, injuries or even diseases such as breast cancer or lymphoma can influence the appearance of fat in the armpits.
  5. Loss of firmness or lack of toning. Sometimes it's not a matter of being overweight and you simply haven't exercised in a long time to help you tone the area.
  6. Posture and bra that are too tight. They are not causes as such, but they do make the fat more visible. For example, a bra that is too tight can push the skin and fat and distort the entire area under the armpit.

How to remove fat from the armpits

If you have decided to eliminate these love handles from your armpits and show off a fat-free figure, it is time to get your act together:

How to get rid of underarm fat without go through surgery

Lose weight and reduce overall body fat from your metabolism. You already know that eliminating localized fat is a myth, so you will have to work on reducing fat from the whole body and not just from the armpits.

To do this, start a balanced fat-free diet guided by an expert nutritionist and combine it with a training plan that also includes chest, back and arm exercises.

Best exercises to eliminate fat in the armpits

We have selected some of the best exercises to tone and eliminate fat in the arms, armpits and back:


You can do many types of pushups and even do burpees by incorporating a jump into the pushup for some cardio and fat burning.

French Triceps Press

Lying on a bench, grab the bar with the weights and lift up, then lower vertically, flexing arms

Triceps Press

From a seated position, grab a dumbbell and reach up, then back, flexing the elbow. The dumbbell will be at the height of the neck, even a little below, depending on your range of motion. Raise and lower again the times contained in your training plan.

Triceps Extension

Hold a dumbbell, bottle, or similar in each hand and reach your arms vertically toward the ceiling. From there, bend your elbows in the direction of your head until you make a 90-degree angle. Go back up. Repeat.

Chest Press

Face up, with a dumbbell in each hand, reach your elbows out to make a 90 degree angle with your arms.


Lying on your stomach, rest your forearms on the floor and the balls of your feet and raise your hips so that your body is completely straight. Hold as long as you can, rest and repeat.


Very similar to planks, the only thing that you support here is on the palms of your hands and the elbow is kept flexed back almost 90 degrees. Go up and down like push-ups.

You can also do them by landing on your knees and lifting your legs back (half push-ups).

Biceps Curl

You can do it sitting or standing, with both arms or one at a time. Simply grab a dumbbell and bring it up to your shoulder, bending at the elbow.

Seated Rows

You can do this on the rowing machine if you're at the gym, but if you're at home you can still do it with an elastic band. You will work back and arms. In a seated position, you just have to grab the rubber bands with both hands at chest level and stretch, bringing your arms bent back.

Final tips to reduce body fat

It is true that in some cases it is necessary to undergo surgery to completely eliminate that unsightly fat from the armpits, but it is much more motivating to achieve it through a diet plan and balanced exercise. You'll feel better and get more benefits than doing it the fast, dangerous, and expensive route.

Don't forget to practice cardio at least 4 times a week to burn fat and even combine all these exercises with strength training. We assure you that you will greatly reduce those bags of fat in the armpits. In addition, your general well-being is going to multiply by a thousand. Get started today!

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