From wedges to fire extinguishers: 10 essential objects for a vacant vacation

  1. elEconomista

National destinations will be, again, those preferred by the Spaniards to spend the holidays.In addition, motorhome trips will repeat as one of the best alternatives to enjoy free time in a safe environment.Thus, Indie CamSrs, Selfocarvan Rental Platform and Camper vans, have made a selection of the 10 essential objectives that cannot be forgotten when traveling on a motorhome:

1.Vehicle documentation.When we travel on motorhome we must carry all the documentation of the updated vehicle.In addition, we must review that we have the insurance, the past ITV and the Green Chart (International Motor Vehicle Insurance Chart) in order.

2.Personal documentation. También tendremos que llevar el DNI y el Pasaporte para poder identificarnos.The latter is not necessary within the European Union but, when we travel in caravan, sometimes without realizing we can travel roads that can leave this limit and, therefore, it is advisable to take it with us.It is also important to take the European health card, in case we need medical attention at any time of the trip and, in case of carrying pets, we will also have to travel with all the documentation of the animal in order.

3.Extinguisher.When we travel in motorhome it is advisable.In addition, it is best to have it by hand since it will not help us if it is hidden somewhere in the vehicle.

De cuñas a extintores: 10 objetos imprescindibles para unas vacaciones en autocaravana

4.Loaders for electronic devices. Actualmente, viajamos con smartphones, tabletas y ordenadores y, cada uno de ellos, usa un cargador diferente.In fact, it is likely that each person traveling in the authorcaravan will carry a different device, which is a different charger.Therefore, it is recommended that before traveling we make sure that we carry all the loaders.In addition, it is a good idea to carry a wireless portable charger and, in this case, we can also opt for solar loaders.

5.Adapters and current extender.If we travel to other countries we will find that plugs are different so we will need adapters that allow us to connect to the current.In addition, it is also useful to carry an extender in case we parate in a campsite and we have the outlet far.

6.First aid kit. Los destinos que solemos visitar cuando viajamos en autocaravana suelen ser lugares aislados, rodeados de naturaleza.Therefore, the most recommended that we carry a kit with what is necessary to deal with any small emergency such as minor injuries or wounds, cuts or mosquito bites.

7.Spare wheel. Es imprescindible viajar con una rueda de repuesto ya que hay muchas más posibilidades de sufrir pinchazos cuando se realizan largos trayectos por carretera.It is also useful to carry a tire repair kit, since they can serve us for minor repairs that do not involve changing the wheel.

8.Basic tools. Tener un juego de herramientas básicas nos servirá para poder hacer pequeñas reparaciones rápidamente.Apart from these, we can also wear American tape, flashlights and flashlights, to have a more complete kit.

9.Hose. Añadir una manguera al equipaje de nuestra autocaravana nos ayudará a no tener que cargar el agua, en caso de que ésta se encuentre lejos de donde nos estacionemos.In this case, it is also very useful, dispose of nozzles and tap adapters that will allow the hose to be adjusted to the type of tap that we find.

10.Wedges.It is important to carry wedges for motorhome since not all places are flat, although they may seem like it.Therefore, it is key to carrying wedges that allow us to secure the vehicle.But, eye, because placing wedges is considered camping so you should use them only in the places enabled for camping.

