10 essential accessories and accessories that we should all carry in the bag

por Clara Salgado

With female bags it happens as with travel suitcases, which are full of 'in case here.But the truth is that, really, there are not many things we need to take with us wherever we go (removing the mobile and house keys).And, how many times has it happened to you that you have gone hand in the bag of something you needed and there was anything but what you were looking for?We bet that many.

Therefore, it is important to rule out those that are not of extreme need and select those that do or do have to be inside our bag.To make you the most dynamic and enjoyable choice, here we leave you the 10 essentials that will accompany you from Monday to Sunday.From the already indispensable fabric mask and the always successful sun cream to those capable of saving you from any unforeseen, such as a hair brush or a portable battery.Take note!

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10 complementos y accesorios imprescindibles que todas deberíamos llevar en el bolso

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